What are your chameleons names?

Nosy Be named: Leo short for Leonardo short for Chameleonardo short for AWESOME.

Explantion: He's a reptile and gonna be blue just like Leonardo the Ninja turtle... And I've seen him perform some crazy martial arts moves... And my grandfather passed away and his middle name was Leo... and me and my girlfriend love lions, and he's the complimentary color of lions...

So the name just had to be. :)
I've decided to start naming my chams after the characters in Toy Story based on their personality. So far I have Woody, Rex, and Jessie.
Here is the story. The dad's name is Ice. My daughter must have tried to rhyme the name and came up with Krice. I thought she said Christ! I call him Chamy by default.
Currently I only have Sweeney as in Sweeney Todd, My male High Translucent Veiled.

His mate is Most likely going to be named Calypso.

Dying to name one Azrael.
I have Rango, Tinkerbell who is mated to Terrance and Fawn all Veiled chameleons

for other pets though I have:
Hadies & Persephanie the water dragons
Jake & bella, Red & Sadie, Chewwy & Midge all Bearded Dragons
Azrael & Ariel the bahama Anoles
Bella, Athene and Apollo the Fat-tail Geckos
Sookie the leopard gecko
Stitch the Ball python
Madusa the Columbian Red tail boa
Iggy Arbuckle the day gecko
Keisha the English Bull Terrier/Staf.
We've had about 10 pairs called Spike and Liz, Jackson's each time. Now we've got Jermaine (Jackson, get it?) and his consorts Fuzzy and Snowball. Can you tell I've got teenaged girls at home?

Then, the 10 babies that arrived Christmas eve 2011, so we named them after the reindeer---Juno, Dasher and Dancer, Prancer and Vixen, Comet and Cupid, and Donner and Blitzen----oh, plus Olive, the other reindeer. That's ten, but one died and we don't know who it was. :):):)
well we have...
trinion ( visiting )
lil foot
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