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My veiled loves the bottom of her enclosure. She seems super healthy and nothing is wrong but she just loves to hang at the bottom. Is it possible that I am not getting her correct approx age right and she might be looking for a place to dig?

I have never seen her dig at all. But I am concerned. Her enclosure doesnt really fit a laying bin without me having to take our her plants. I was told two months ago when I got her that she was between 3 and 6 months. I have no clue how old she really is.

She was the rescue who always drank from the bottom of the enclosure in a bowl so I am also worried that maybe she isnt getting enough water now. I never see her drink from the dripper or when I mist like she would drink from the bottom.

When I mist she will sometimes lick her lips but when I got her and she was drinking from the dish she would drink for a few mins straight and then go back up.

I am just kinda confused.
you could try putting the water dish back down there and see if she drinks from it and goes back up? maybe shes just used to the water dish and doesnt understand drinking from the dripper yet?
The Veiled chameleon I got from the pet store had a dish in the terrarium they set up for her. The pet store personnel informed me that the chameleon learned to drink from it, so I bought one just like it to see what would happen. She never went near it except to defecate in it. That told me all I needed to know and I removed it in leu of misting and dripper systems. I just hang a plastic cup on yarn over the pothos and fill it with water at least once a day so it drips for a good hour or so and I really drench the pothos with a spray bottle twice a day. When thirsty, she will head right for the water drops on the leaves. It helps to water as your feeding vegetables and fruit to your cham as the water will coat and become trapped on the food and be eaten. Apple has high liquid content and my cham goes directly for it when I offer it. Just feed a couple small bites at a time.
You dont need an appropriate laying bin in her enclosure if it won't fit . Try a small pot with soil. Use it as an indicator . If she digs in the pot , then you know to move her to a larger bucket .

You may never see your cham drink , as some like to drink in solitude. If she is passing white urates , then she is drinking . If the urates are yellow to brown , then you have reason to believe she isn't drinking enough.
You dont need an appropriate laying bin in her enclosure if it won't fit . Try a small pot with soil. Use it as an indicator . If she digs in the pot , then you know to move her to a larger bucket .

You may never see your cham drink , as some like to drink in solitude. If she is passing white urates , then she is drinking . If the urates are yellow to brown , then you have reason to believe she isn't drinking enough.

I agree with ChromaChameleons. I would put something in there because even at 6 months she could have eggs.
You dont need an appropriate laying bin in her enclosure if it won't fit . Try a small pot with soil. Use it as an indicator . If she digs in the pot , then you know to move her to a larger bucket .

You may never see your cham drink , as some like to drink in solitude. If she is passing white urates , then she is drinking . If the urates are yellow to brown , then you have reason to believe she isn't drinking enough.

Yup agreed.

If you do add a bowl, you are going backwards and potentially setting yourself up for more head aches. Watch the urates and that will tell you if your cham is getting enough water.

Her temps are all in the right ranges. I checked and double checked. I work from home so I spend a lot of my "work" time tending to my reptiles. lol

Her urates are white so if that is an indicator of her drinking enough then we are good.

I will put a small bin in there now to see if she goes to it. She was down at the bottom again when I went in there a few minutes ago.
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