Vet Opinion Appreciated - Cut on Lower Lip


New Member
Chameleon Info:

Your Chameleon - 1yr.o. Male Nosy Be. Has been in my care for 3 days.
Handling - Once to put him in his house. He is too unsettled to let me hold him.
Feeding - Crickets. 4-6 each morning. Gutloading with fresh veggies.
Supplements - Daily dust feeders with RepCal no D3, Once a week will dust feeders with Sticky Tongue Farms MultiVit + D3
Watering - I mist 2xDaily with warm water for 3-4mins. I also use a dripper and I have seen him drinking several times in the past few days.
Faecal Description - First poop found today. Well digested, no inconsistency. Urate showed a little dehydration. No Faecal test as yet.
History - All I know is he is CB and he arrived in the country just under 2 weeks ago. Has been with the wholesaler the whole time before coming to me through the petstore. Was only at the petstore for 3-4hrs.

Cage Info:

Cage Type - 2x2x4 Reptibreeze w/cork tile background.
Lighting - 50W Basking Bulb and 18" 5.0 Reptisun. 12hrs on/off.
Temperature - What temp range have you created (cage floor 65-70 to basking spot 80-90)? Lowest overnight temp? 60 How do you measure these temps? 1 digital Thermo/Hygro & 1 normal Thermo/Hygro
Humidity - What are your humidity levels? 50 -70 How are you creating and maintaining these levels? Misting Warm Water What do you use to measure humidity? 1 digital Thermo/Hygro & 1 normal Thermo/Hygro
Plants - Umbrella Tree the height of the cage.
Placement - Cage is in my bedroom (low traffic). 28" from floor, over 6' at the top of the cage. AC in the room, but vent does not blow on cage.
Location - Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Current Problem - Ok...
Generally, besides a little dehydration, Ernie is in good health from what I can see. He is a very cranky little sausage at the moment (which I know everyone would know anyway!) and can't handle him as he puffs up and tries to bite me.

He is waking up with his lights and putting his PJs on between 15-20mins before lights out and not sleeping during the day.

Although it doesn't seem to be bothering him at all, he has a cut on his lower lip, which looks as though the lip might actually be split? I can't really see any inflammation, but the area has turned black from him being stressed as he's just new. Usually, I'd just ring right up and book a vet appointment to clear any doubts and get it sorted, but I really can't handle him and would like to avoid it if possible (for him.. not my convenience).

I have taken pictures (the best that I could), but had to get him angry to do so, so please don't think I'm a mean mummy! Its the only way I could try to show you guys!

What I'd like to know is if the area is infected or not, if this is going to heal and whether or not he needs to be seen by the vet straight away? I have also noticed that his teeth are yellow but the rest inside his mouth looks a nice pink.. as he has yellow on his lips, is this why he has yellow teeth?

Again, apologies for the poor picture quality!


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Sorry you are having problems with Ernie.( nice name btw). That looks nasty. Has he had wound since you got him? Can you send pics to your vet if you can't handle him yet? I think he will need vet visit or opinion.
Sorry you are having problems with Ernie.( nice name btw). That looks nasty. Has he had wound since you got him? Can you send pics to your vet if you can't handle him yet? I think he will need vet visit or opinion.

Hi Kate :)

Thanks for answering. Yes, he has had it since I got him, but the day I got him it wasn't black and it does lighten up when he starts to relax. There is no pus or anything. It is dry and looks as though it is healing. I will try to see if I could send in some pics to my vet.

Its the fact that the lip looks as though it is split that concerns me the most. Any ideas with the yellow teeth?

Oh and thanks.. I like his name too :p however when he does something naughty, he is addressed properly with Ernest! haha!
It looks as if it has been there for a while. It's the dark bit I'm not sure of. Is he eating and drinking ok? The inside of Popeyes mouth is yellow and I've just checked and his teeth are yellow. He is a panther.:)
Hi, it appears your chameleon is rubbing the screen. When they go to this extent he is not happy with something. Some things to think about. It could be the size of the cage, possibly not enough foliage or vines, where it is positioned in a room, what the chameleon can see outside the cage, improper uvb or temps. Some love to be out, so you may try to free range.

Im not seeing any infection. Its apears to be healing over on its own. Personally i would get some prvodone iodine and dilute it with some bottled water till it looks like a mild tea solution. The best thing would be to soak the wound but where it is located thats going to be pretty hard. Instead i would point the chameleon head to the ground and drip the solution on the wound. If you do notice and infection, remove what you can, clean the area with the solution and apply some polysporin. Repeat and apply the poly sporin for just a few days.

Im not sure if a vet can mend the cut together as it looks like the area has been worn thin. He will be fine but will have a spot on his lip for the rest of his life.
I would like to add that this would be something that happened before you got him if you have only had him for three days.:)
@ataraxia - thank you for the information.. It really is helpful for me and makes sense.
Yes, he did have it before I got him but he was moving around so much I couldn't hold to check everything.
The rubbing really could be the cause for sure.. I was just lucky enough to get a pic of him where he was staying with the supplier.. Take a look..

Pretty sure I'd be rubbing away too if I were put in there!
He hasn't been rubbing since he's been with me but I'll keep an eye on it and see how it does over the next few days.

@Kate - thanks heaps as always.. It's always nice to have someone else share the same thoughts as me!
Oh and Kate.. He's eating like a champ and needs to drink a little more but is drinking frequently..

And I have no concerns over a bung lip.. He's just for me to enjoy and I'll love him however he looks.. :p
@ataraxia - thank you for the information.. It really is helpful for me and makes sense.
Yes, he did have it before I got him but he was moving around so much I couldn't hold to check everything.
The rubbing really could be the cause for sure.. I was just lucky enough to get a pic of him where he was staying with the supplier.. Take a look..

Pretty sure I'd be rubbing away too if I were put in there!
He hasn't been rubbing since he's been with me but I'll keep an eye on it and see how it does over the next few days.

@Kate - thanks heaps as always.. It's always nice to have someone else share the same thoughts as me!

It is very sparse isn't it. Glad he has a good home now.:)
Thanks Kate :) check out his bachelor pad :p

Oh and thanks for checking the colour of your panther's teeth.. I had a veiled before and her teeth were no where near yellow haha!
Ernie is a charmer for sure!!! I am SO happy you have found another Cham to pour love on - you are such a great chameleon mommy as evidenced by your love and concern for Penelope! (RIP)

I hope you are able to find the items that Ataraxia mentioned to help with the healing. The Polysporin (or Neosporin) will work in a pinch - I hope you can get that in UAE! It is weird that the lip is splitting - I wonder if chams can be stitched? maybe having it stitched together will heal it without a split? Shrug....not that important cuz as you mentioned, you'll love him no matter what he looks like! ;)

He's a beauty for sure! Glad you have another...good Cham keepers should never give up! :)
Thanks everyone for the advice :) it has certainly calmed my nerves!

Ernie is a charmer for sure!!! I am SO happy you have found another Cham to pour love on - you are such a great chameleon mommy as evidenced by your love and concern for Penelope! (RIP)

I hope you are able to find the items that Ataraxia mentioned to help with the healing. The Polysporin (or Neosporin) will work in a pinch - I hope you can get that in UAE! It is weird that the lip is splitting - I wonder if chams can be stitched? maybe having it stitched together will heal it without a split? Shrug....not that important cuz as you mentioned, you'll love him no matter what he looks like! ;)

He's a beauty for sure! Glad you have another...good Cham keepers should never give up! :)

@ChameleonMom - Thank you so much for your kind words :)
Yes I can get both polysporin and neosporin here, so I'll see if I can find a way to get that on.. as for the iodine... well... he won't let me hold him so maybe I'll try a cotton bud?

I'm not worried about a split in his lip, but only concerned if that may encourage any heath issues in the future as his mouth would not be fully closed in a way?
So Ernie had his first visit to the vet tonight and she was so happy with how he's doing!
Turns out the black on his lip was actually just a dry scab which she took straight off.. Dry underneath and no infection, which was relieving to hear.
I've been given Betadine gel to put on the lip where he had rubbed at it until scar tissue forms and heals over the would that is healing..
He'll always have some little mark on his lip and it won't ever be perfect, but it just adds to his character don't you think? :p
So glad Ernie is getting better. There is no such thing as perfect in my opinion.Lol. It just makes him special to you.:)
I have a question. I've heard people mention using Neosporin for wounds, but what about Vitamin E oil? And what about using it for mouth/nose rub? With ingestion being a possibility, I'm not sure if that would be safe.

I'm glad Ernie is going to be fine. :)
Ok.. So it seems Ernie very clearly does not like the taste of Betadine.. He is saying so by declaring that he is on a hunger strike!
I said to him "Ernest, you heard what Dr. Gemma said. She said Betadine twice a day for at least three weeks." And he just looks at me like "I don't care." and sulks and looks at me with his big eyes like its ALL my fault.
Good thing is, he is drinking heaps.
How long should I wait for him to eat again?
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