

New Member
So I went and saw a young oustie yesterday that was free to a good home. Oh man you guys. It's like hogs jr. But this guy is rough shape. He is missing 3 fingernails on his front feet. Pretty skinny, but does eat, and almost looked as if he had infection on the edge of his mouth, I saw some crusty dried blood in the corners, I suspect mouth rot. Headed to the vet with him now. The guy said he just couldn't afford the vet bills or new enclosure. He was cramped up in a medium enclosure with fake vines and a bird ladder. He came to me, and had a okay grip. I saw a little life left in him and decided that if I have the funds to help this guy I am. Maybe I'm wrong for taking in a sick Cham after hogs, but I really feel that after experiencing my first loss I am prepared for it. I am not going to get to attached to this guy until i can hopefully get him well. He ate 5 supers yesterday and drank 3 pips of water for me. I scoped out a recent urate he had in his old cage and it was bad. Previous owner did dust his crickets. ( only crickets were offered ) so I don't suspect MBD. So he is getting fluids this morning, gonna knock out any parasites if present and get a culture on his mouth. I picked up a nice big basking light for him and man does he love it. He got under that thing and was twisting around getting comfy on his stick. He is a string bean, iv named him Valcor, I think he will be my luck dragon. He just needs some tlc. And water!!! The guy said he misted a few times a day, but the cage was bone dry. And that urate suggested otherwise. He got him from a breeder in Tennessee and was told it was WC. But who knows. The guy didn't even know much about chams. I think he just wanted him gone. If was like looking at a thrown away child. This big eyed string bean, looking up at me like "soooo you gonna take me home or what lady".

So pray for this boy! I'm going to tryy best with my vet to get him strong again. And if it doesn't pan out I'll be okay. This time I know what I am in for so my expectations are low, but hopeful. I'll let y'all know what the vet says. :) I'll hold on a pic until after his fluids. His condition is quite upsetting :/
rehoming an unwated animal especially an unhealthy one is a wonderful thing to sad to hear the condition hes thoughts are with both your chams and there recoveries xxx
New home, new shot at life. You've got a big heart taking in another oustie. Wishing him the best!

... Although I think you should name him Ludo.... :D
Kind heart for taking him in. Good for you giving him another chance at life. He's in good hands.
Iv got a soft spot for them. Sadly my last died shortly after being purchased and the current one is in pretty bad shape. He got fluids injected into his stomach cavity today after a failed stick. I wouldn't let them try again. He also tested positive for parasites and got panacur and his mouth has some kind of infection in the corner. I got baytril but I requested a lab on his mouth swab because I want it grown out fully to see what we are dealing with. It will take 4 days. It cost me 90 bucks which is steep but I won't give antibiotics until I know what it is. I will need to ask some of the senior members about these dosages first before giving them to him to be safe. I have the paper work at home. He did well. He attacked the towel. It was pretty intense lol I was like " chameleons are super gentle", to one of the techs and I look down and he looks like a pittbull attacking a rag. Lol oh man.
Well he looks great this morning. He loves his light a lot. I'm not use to seeing an oustalet light beige because hogs was always so stressed out and dark. But this guy is really pretty. Kind of a weird light brown (beige almost) and his head has a lime greenish tint almost. Minus his missing fingernails he is very handsome. He seems to have a little worn spot on his nose I think from trying to get close to his old light. He stays under that thing all day now basking here at my house. The temp is 96 degrees and he literally flattens out so much he looks like a fish and then curves into a circle, it's so cool to watch. He seems really happy. My heart feels better getting to try again. This morning I said hello and left the cage open for him if he wanted to come out and he didn't. He went straight to his light. Lol I got a. 100 watt reptiglo with UVA that is is about 12 inches from him not touching the screen. Best 16 bucks I ever spent!

I know people say to keep them cooler on the 80ish side so on the opposite side of the cage I have another basking spot of 80 with just a regular household light bulb. Is this okay?

He will move to it at night and sleep on the branch at the opening of the cage. I'm so use to hogs hiding in the back it feels good to wake up and see Ludo (okay lathis you win!) waiting for me. I love him already. I know they can't hear but I still sing to him anyways. He watches me when I'm in the studio, he is such a string bean!!! Got him some wax worms last night. Gotta fatten him up !! He is my diamond in the rough.

And look guys, I made a drainage system!! Drilled the holes myself!!!! ImageUploadedByTapatalk1391613511.825247.jpg
I can go take them, I have to
climb on a chair though. The top of his cage almost 8 feet and he stays at the top. He was walking around this morning with a wax worm hanging out of his mouth, I wish I would of got a pic of that. It looked like a cigar lol.
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Be prepared for total cuteness! I know his eyes don't look that great but he had some hydration issues with his previous owner I am sure of. But he will drink water from a syringe. And sometimes if I can get the water to hit his head just right he will drink and drink from the hand mister, but I have a dripper going too. He also got fluids injected directly into his abdomen at the vet. He ate two wax worms today and. 3 huge super worms. Tomorrow I'll get the results of his labs. I'm praying for good results so I don't have to use this baytril.
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Be prepared for total cuteness! I know his eyes don't look that great but he had some hydration issues with his previous owner I am sure of. But he will drink water from a syringe. And sometimes if I can get the water to hit his head just right he will drink and drink from the hand mister, but I have a dripper going too. He also got fluids injected directly into his abdomen at the vet. He ate two wax worms today and. 3 huge super worms. Tomorrow I'll get the results of his labs. I'm praying for good results so I don't have to use this baytril.

I would really try to hold off on any antibiotics until he's rehydrated!!!
I am holding off on antibiotics until I know what he has. They are growing out a mouth swab for me since he had some weird crusty stuff, god only knows what it was. Iv had him 4 days now. Day 1 was a vet visit and fluids, and the last 3 days iv not bothered him except to feed and mist and mist and mist. However if he has a URI or mouth rot, I fear time is not on our side and he will need to start treatment. I kinda refuse to let this one die. It takes 3 days to grow out that sample. Tomorrow is results day.
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