Unreceptive female


I have a 2 year old f1 unproven female panther that is totally unreceptive. Both her and her boyfriend are are housed in 4x2x2 screen cages. I am running a pro mist, a 48 inch uv light to cover both tanks and a herpstat. The males kept around 86-87 and the females 82-83 for there hotspots, both have ample coverage. I usually put him in her cage, he's receptive, head bobs etc, even threw a sperm plug, she gapes turns really dark, I have not seen her try to attack him is this normal behavior? How long should I leave them together?
If she is not receptive then get her out now. You need to wait until both chams have a favorable response. Her turning black is not a good thing.
She is unreceptive I wouldn't put them together until she's receptive. Does she turn black, gape and sway back and forth?
She might be unreceptive because she could be cycling through a batch of infertile eggs. Has she laid egss before? Have you provided a laying bin for her? just some thoughts.
Yes,she turns black and gapes, shes never laid before and I gave her access to a lay bin for roughly six months and took it out because she never used it and it was a pia to clean atound. I will put it back and see what happens.
It often makes a difference if you put the female in the male's cage....it gives the male the upper hand sometimes. I would hold her outslde his cage to see how she reacts when she is not in her cage and go from there....put her in with him if she is calm and put her back in her own cage if she hisses, gapes, rocks back and forth or turns dark.
yeah since you are sharing a uvb bulb im assuming the cages are right next to each other...remove the visible barrier between them and see how hey act when thy can see each other but cant touch/hurt each other...is she showing receptive colors?
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