Trixxi passed away

I`m so sorry you lost her :( It`s just so sad. It`s clear you did everything you could to help her and i`m sure she appreciated that. I hope eventually you will consider another cham as you are obviously a great owner.
We collected Trixxi's ashes this afternoon from the vets,it feels very final to have her home.The vet made some notes during the necropsy,they consist of the following:
Large number of mature egg follicles
Number of soft-shelled eggs ready to be laid
Abscess in peritoneum,close to cloaca in close contact to uterus,abscess firm,calcified and approx 15mm in diameter causing physical barrier to egg laying
Widespread peritonitis with purulent discharge in peritoneum
If anyone would like to make any comments on the necropsy results please feel free,especially the experienced keepers,thanks,Ronnie
I'm glad you had that done Ronnie. It's in some way comforting to know that it wasn't anything that you could have known about or prevented, plus it's nice to know that it wasn't something you either did wron or didn't do. Poor Trixxi.:( I'm glad she's home with you again. Lily's ashes are sat on the shelf above her cage that Amy now lives in. Sleep tight l'il Trixxi girl.
My thoughts.......

We collected Trixxi's ashes this afternoon from the vets,it feels very final to have her home.The vet made some notes during the necropsy,they consist of the following:
Large number of mature egg follicles
Number of soft-shelled eggs ready to be laid
Abscess in peritoneum,close to cloaca in close contact to uterus,abscess firm,calcified and approx 15mm in diameter causing physical barrier to egg laying
Widespread peritonitis with purulent discharge in peritoneum
If anyone would like to make any comments on the necropsy results please feel free,especially the experienced keepers,thanks,Ronnie

I think it would have been very difficult, if not impossible, to have expected to figure out the severity of the situation before it was too late to save her. The vet does not know and we can not know what caused the original abscess near the cloaca. But that issue set up the widespread interior infection which probably became septic very rapidly. By the time symptoms become visible enough to cause a visit to the vet, the bacteria had probably overwhelmed her internal organs. Antibiotics take days to really kick in and knock something like that out. Too long to save your cham's life. The wife of my husband's best friend died in the ER of a similar human condition.

I've got a few reptile ashes in little wood boxes on the book shelves above my computer desk. Each one has a little framed picture of the beloved pet. I've got Layla's ashes in a box on a table in my office. I still can't face getting a photo enlarged to put in the big frame my husband gave me for Christmas for my girl :(

It gets better....but it can take awhile. Even if you have plenty of other chams to spend time with like I do.
I am sorry to hear of your loss, a beautiful creature like yours is a hard thing to loose, but its importat to think of the future, you did what you could and im sure she loved you (in her own chameleon way) :)

awesome pictures,

a question though,
do you plan to hatch out the eggs she did lay? although it wont replace trixie, a beautiful baby in her memory may tug on the harp strings of your heart
Trixxi was never mated,so the eggs would never have been viable,thanks for the nice words xx
Just bumping up my thread to see if there are any fresh comments/perspectives on Trixxi's necropsy results,thanks
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