thoughts on BugCo crickets?


New Member
my local small-business pet store sells BugCo crickets. i just wanted to make sure it is safe to still dust with calcium, since they claim they are supplemented already. i have been moving them to a bigger container and taking out the “food” and “water” that comes with them. i have still been doing a fresh gutload and wet a sponge for their water. attached is a screenshot from BugCo’s website


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I have questions about all of that. What is the food? Is it a product like the orange cubes that will keep the crickets alive but not healthy/nutritious? What is the calcium product and how are the crickets getting it?
I would still be lightly dusting with my supplements same as always.
I have questions about all of that. What is the food? Is it a product like the orange cubes that will keep the crickets alive but not healthy/nutritious? What is the calcium product and how are the crickets getting it?
I would still be lightly dusting with my supplements same as always.
yes, they look almost like yellow round cheeto puffs 😂 the calcium and “water” i’m assuming comes from the paste like stuff that also comes with them in the box. i couldn’t find any more info about the calcium on their website, just that one bullet point that says they are already gutloaded and calcium enriched
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