The lighter the color of my cham does that mean he's under stess


New Member
Sometimes when I try to hold my cham he turns a very light blue. Is that bad?
Chameleons have two distinct stress patterns. If a chameleon is angry and trying to tell another chameleon or creature, like a human, to back off, they will change to darker color patterns, possibly with white spots or mottling.

A chameleon that changes to lighter colorations when you get close to it or try to handle it is showing fear and stress. The chameleon is afraid you are going to eat it or hurt it.

It is interesting to note that octopi also show such stress colorations for exactly the same reasons. I had a wild caught octopus (species vulgaris) that would change to white coloration the moment it saw me enter the room and pass in front of its tank.

Chameleons will also change between dark and light coloration when thermoregulating. Light colorations indicate a chameleon that is too hot and trying to release heat. Dark colorations indicate a basking chameleon that is trying to absorb as much sun as possible.

Handling of chameleons is not advised as it can stress them too much. Let the chameleon decide how close it wants to get and do not force interactions on them. A comfortable chameleon will be more likely to decide you are not a threat. Let the chameleon decide its own comfort level.
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