Terminator Salvation....Lemon!


New Member
Just saw 'terminator salvation' last night for the first time (were so behind out here) thought Id do a reveiw.
After so much anticipation and so much hype, I must say it was rather a let down.
The plot idea was good, tell the story from 'the future' side, could have been really good but for the movie itself. There was action but it lacked the impact of the same action in earlier movies, no disbeleiving humans to be impressed.
The Arnie look-a-alike's breif appearance, tied in with the suggestion it killed connor (terminator3 Rise of the machines) but was seriously lacking.
In T3 t.r.o.t.m. It was suggested the arnie look-a-alike was used to trick connor by using his boyhood association with the model (Arnie), but it just lurches out and goes to work, what the?
Arnie must've been busy in Cali, since it wasn't his face even, just the rubbery
mask they used for injury/closeups.
And no cute lines, dissapointing!, Well ok, they did say 'Ill be back' and 'come with me if you want to live', granted it was clever to slip them in, but said deadpan, no humourous circumstance, kinda killed its value.
Bale/connor could have said them, with a slight grin, more humour impact.
Tied up neatly enough, connor lives, but so does skynet.
Should have finished nicely with Rise of the machines. Not a patch on 2 & 3
Terminator 'Fanboys' must be dissapointed, new Blood hollywood, no wonder the machines want us dead!

*Arnie voice ~ "I wont be back" 2/5

More of same, 'splat', ...next! :rolleyes:

Some good special effects. The motorbike machines were pretty cool, as were the eel/snake terminator things in the river.

The 'Marcus. character/plot was interesting and worked well.

Bale was ok as connor.

The kyle reese character was a bit wimpy, didnt quite 'mesh' with the 'hardbitten warrior' that was his character in 1. Connor never gave him the photo of sarah either.

The kid 'Star', whats with that? Anyone old enough will see clear parrallels to
'the Feral Kid' ,Emil Minty's character In Mad Max, silent, cute, big hair, helps the hero's.

The giant Terminator, please, The men sized T100/T800 were powerful and scary enough, did they need to have a terminator 200ft high, 5000 times the size? Transformers anyone?

Giant terminators picking up humans and putting them in 'baskets' (transports)? Anyone else think that was a straight up rip off from 'war of the worlds'?

They never explain how 4 Terminators and Kyle Reese were 'sent back in time'.

Spoilsport says: The whole idea of skynets war is daft anyway.Consider...

Supposedly, skynet becomes self aware, when it goes online, its first move is to launch an attack on humanity.
Ok so far.
It launches all us nukes against russia, knowing the retaliation will cause global nuke war, eradicating humanity, so it can conqure the world.?
"FAIL" . Whats wrong with this idea?

A. Global nuclear war means multiple massive impacts all over the planet, each impact causes a huge EMP (electromagnetic pulse)
which effectivly kills everything electronic........What is skynet?, machines right.

B. Skynet lives in cyberspace (according to T3), and what is cyberspace? electronically generated. Its internet. Global nuke war, means destruction of most all infrastructure, including the means to generate electricity. No computers, no electricity, no infrastructure + no skynet. Only the terminators which are already built, self powered and magically untouched by the global EMP's let alone the blasts themselves.

c. T2/T3 repeatedly show glimpses of the postr apolcalypse world, everything is ash, where are the resources for the machines to build themselves? Wheres the materials? Tiny complex electronic components?

All this nonsense is forgivable for a good sci-fi, it dosent have to be entirely feasable, but inconsistancys between sequels should get writers shot, no, .......Terminated! :D
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Yeah, it was pretty bad. It didn't even come close to touching the 2nd and first one. I even thought the third one was better and I just saw that one for the first time right before salvation. What can you expect from the guy who did Charlie's Angels, lol.
I read the bad reviews so I went in with low expectations. It was way better than what I was led to believe.
Reviews are overrated.
it was unfortunate that the series turned this route.

the film was awful, no feeling of a "terminator" at your heels.
Being a huge Terminator fan, I was excited to finally see the future war in theaters. Personally, I enjoyed it. Sure, there are some dumb parts to it but seeing a more believable post-nuclear environment was interesting.
the movie just isnt the same without a steroided out governator, swinging around an 1887.....bale played a good part but overall pretty lame movie
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