temp for quadricornis's eggs


Can you tell me the exact temperature to incubate eggs of T. quadricornis? because i've found lots of information but with very different parameters.. thanks all!!
i ve placed them in my monitor lizard room with da daytemp of 22° - 23° C
and a night drop at about 5° C . Under 18°C the eggs doesnt grow up. if you have a higher temp. the hatchlings are not strong enough and will die soon.
I have been warned to not go above 70-72 for quad eggs. I kept mine between 68-70, and they came out at exactly 5 months.

nighttime drop?

Good to hear the voices of experience here. Did anyone employ a drop of a few degrees at night?
In according with what said trioceros and from what i know a drop at night is essential.. the best indicated temperatures are of 22-23 at day and 18-19 (°C) at night..
if the eggs get too cold they will die, believe me this has happened to a few people here. Our eggs that hatched and were successful were kept at between 68-72.
I think the important thing to remember is consistency. We have 30 eggs in the incubator which is set to 73. It rarely goes up or down and they're doing very well (knocks on wood). Now if you're constantly messing with the temps they will not respond well.

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