Suddenly wont shoot tongue all the way out or possible depth perception issue???

We recently took our chams to the vet for general well check & fecals.. FYI, during general conversation he told me that sometimes the (this doesn't really apply to you specifically but moreso just a tidbit of info for those who read this thread) very first sign of MBD is a problem with tongue projection. He said MBD affects the muscles first and not the bones as often thought. I thought that was interesting info and figured I'd pass it along.

:eek: Good lord dont tell me that! lol I worry enough!! He has been looking really good the last few days...I have been in his room a lot, much to his dismay! Hence, I have not been on here much since Wed...he has been eating from his jug, he took a dubia from me today and was fast like lightening as usual! I adjusted temps, so his ambient temps are a little higher (made the BF turn the heat on...he was not happy lol) I will keep you guys posted...Thanks!!
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