Squee seems to be getting better :)


Avid Member
Like I posted before, a blood test a month back showed high uric acid in
his blood, so the assumption was made that he had visceral gout and was
put on Allopurinol once a day.
At the same time, he also had an infection due to a burn on his spine, and
was given Baytril for 18 days, but that treatment had ended.

Well, 22 days later, and he seems to be okay!

He is eating more, and I saw him drinking, a lot, of water from his dripper cap.

But what freaked me out, I let him come out on the free range, expected him to just slowly inch along and perch in a spot near the window, but he was running around all over the place all excitted and pumped up!!
He was everywhere! climbing up and down cages and AC cords, climbing
down to the floor and running accross the room, just acting like he was on
Also, for the first time in a few months, his color came back!!
He had been a dark, washed out color, and the top of his head was always
black, but now, he was vibrantly colored, and his head was a bright blue!!

Does this sound like a cham with gout to you??!! :confused:

He is as agile as a tree monkey!!

I have follow up vet appointment Friday, but I really dont want him to stick Squee with needles unless he really has to, poor little guy has been through enough already.

Any suggestions or comment would be very helpful :)
I am very happy for Squee! :) This is wonderful!
I would do the same with the vet! Don't do anything unless it is absolutely necessary!
Do you think it is ok them to be on Baytril that long? Mine should be to,but I am afraid a little....I have to take her back to the vet today, but I am stressful already that I have to take her out from her "peace".
Thank you :)

Yes, I thought 18 day was long enough, the vet wanted longer, but it was
too much for Squee. The side effects are terrible, and I couldnt stand putting
him through it any longer then absolutly necessary.
These creature are just too sensitive to cope with that much abuse!!
You could end up killing them instead of curing :eek:

Just taking them out of the security of their cage, sticking them in a box,
driving them in your car, and subjecting them to the vet and staff is a lot
of stress for them.
great news stan. such a relief to hear he's doing better. keep up the good work and keep us updated.
Thanks, I have new hope indeed.

Some research indicates (no proof), that a lot of stress can cause uric acid
levels to rise and mimic symtoms of visceral gout.

If one of the forum's vets could chim in on this, it would be very helpful.

If so, Squee may just have been recouperating from his infection and the
after effects of the Baytril!!??

It takes chams so long to recover from any illness, so only time will tell :confused:
That's awesome Squee is doing better! Sounds like he's definitely thrilled about it too. His daddy takes such good care of him. Good to hear. :)
Finally a happy ending to an illness on here! Seems to be the time of the year where chameleons are getting sick and passing away left and right. Glad he is doing better
Thanks everyone :)

I am really keeping my fingers crossed that the worst is over.

He must have remembered his excitting little outing because when I came
home from work, he way on the screen of the cage door, wanting to come out :)

I think my daily warms showers have helped him too, he has a mistking, but
it's so dry in the house right now, and soaking him with the warm water is
stimulating his urge to drink, and I hope will help him shed, which he has
not done in a long time, I guess due to him illness.
So he is way past due.

We will see how it goes this weekend.

I gave him a day off yesterday from the Allopurinol because I just didnt have
the heart to bother him. :eek:

Will get a few more pics posted when I get home today.
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