Spotting stress?


So I took my Chameleon out an he was free roaming in my bed, an now he has these dark spots on his beard. Is this just stress or something I should be concerned about?


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It means he rubbed up against something that irritated his delicate/tender skin. Think of it like a light bruise. My girl got a small one on her back today because she went under too low a branch and it grazed her side. She’s fine, but it just discolors their skin from the trauma. In my opinion it happens all the time when you let them free range because you cant control that environment as easily as their cage. At least not mine because they free range outside!
He did fall but he fall but onto a dog bed (padded very soft). If so does it heal fast or does it take forever like the loss of a toe nail.
Heals pretty fast. May be only a hour-few hours to a day or two! Soon as the skin cells finally figure out no permanent damage was done! :D those darn cells! i would be very careful though and watch your cham closely the next few days though just Incase that fall caused a little more damage than you think. But his skin is just fine! The pattern leads me to believe he just scratched against a branch while exploring. :)
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