Something on Golem's vent...

Kenny C





First I just want to say, LOVE LOVE LOVE his name :) big fan!

Anyway to answer your question my first thought is (since he is of that age) possibly a sperm plug. Nothing to really worry about. Or it could be a little left over shed. With the pictures you provided its kinda hard to see fully. But those are my thoughts. Hopefully the senior members will have more input for you.

But I do hope that helps :D
Thank you!

I touched it at first I thought it was just shed but it was really hard too hard to be shed. Those are the best pics I could take I will try to get some better ones when I get home.
Awe what a handsome boy! If it was super hard when you touched it though I would definitely say most likely a sperm plug. He will either drop it when rubbing his vent on plants or branches. But if not I remember seeing some of the members saying you could soak his vent in warm sugar water. That should loosen it up enough for it to fall out. And you are welcome :) I am happy to help out to the best of my knowledge.
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