Should she stay or should she go?



Have finally introduced my Veiled chameleons to each other, and my fears of a very aggressive male (towards me) never materialised and instead mated with no problems in a surprisingly gentle way.

Now there is no clear advice on this (and probably no set rule) other than the fact the female wil reject the male 18 hours - 3 days after mating. In other keepers experience, am I best I keeping her with him to ensure that they continue to mate naturally until she clearly rejects him, or should I remove her back to her cage and then keep reintroducing them over the course of a few days?

Look forward to hearing from you.
remove her and reintroduce her later on, or tomorrow. i would usually breed 2 times in one day to asure she has been fertilized before she becomes gravid and rejects him. no matter what if all goes well she will produce eggs reguardless so you just wanna make sure they get fertile if shes going to be dropping eggs anyways.
I leave mine together until the female starts to reject the male....she should take on a dark background color, hiss, gape, rock back and forth. Just make sure you keep an eye on them to get her out as soon as it happens.
Thanks, have removed her and will try again tomorrow.

Yes this is my first breeding of chameleons and looking forward to the offspring as the male is a really nicely coloured animal as you can see below (he is a lot brighter than the photo shows in real life though)

I am with Lynda, I leave mine together until they decide to be separated. But I haven't breed veils recently, so things could change.
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