She's eating!!


She's eating, she's eating, she's eating! Leaves... But still. It's been 2 weeks today since Kailie lost her tongue. For the past few days I have been able to get her to take one wax worm or meal worm along with her syringe feeding. I still have to use the syringe to open her mouth, but she will eat the one. Today, I managed to get her to swallow 1 meal worm and 2 wax worms before she clamped down and refused to open her mouth even with the syringe. But tonight I was watching her in her cage, and at first I thought she was trying to drink from the leaves... Until she tore a pothos leaf right off and started chomping away. I was a bit worried at first, as I didn't know they could eat leaves, but upon some research, pothos and ficus are safe, and apparently they'll eat them for roughage to help digestion. So it's
encouraging at least!

she's still sleeping more than I would like, but tonight she was more active than she has been since she lost her tongue.
She's eating, she's eating, she's eating! Leaves... But still. It's been 2 weeks today since Kailie lost her tongue. For the past few days I have been able to get her to take one wax worm or meal worm along with her syringe feeding. I still have to use the syringe to open her mouth, but she will eat the one. Today, I managed to get her to swallow 1 meal worm and 2 wax worms before she clamped down and refused to open her mouth even with the syringe. But tonight I was watching her in her cage, and at first I thought she was trying to drink from the leaves... Until she tore a pothos leaf right off and started chomping away. I was a bit worried at first, as I didn't know they could eat leaves, but upon some research, pothos and ficus are safe, and apparently they'll eat them for roughage to help digestion. So it'sView attachment 352292 encouraging at least!

she's still sleeping more than I would like, but tonight she was more active than she has been since she lost her tongue.
Can I attach a video somehow?
Hoping that’s a sign she will start going for bugs next. There is a special needs feeder run sold by Sunset Chameleons if you are looking for something that will work for her.
Hoping that’s a sign she will start going for bugs next. There is a special needs feeder run sold by Sunset Chameleons if you are looking for something that will work for her.
They don't ship fo Canada, unfortunately, but I've found something very similar. Won't be here for almost another month though 😑
I noticed what I think are a a few fake leaves in this video? I would go ahead and remove those just in case she mistakes them for real ones and eats them. It could cause an impaction which is no good.
I do have one small fake vine in there. Easy removal, and I will do it first thing tomorrow morning ☺️
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The Colors of Kailie! Tomorrow will be 6 weeks since she lost her tongue. She is really thriving!! She still won't eat independently, I have a feeder in her cage, similar to the shooting gallery, and I leave Dubia roaches in all day, but she won't touch them. However, when I take her out, she will open her mouth to the touch of my finger, and allow me to place bugs inside. Still trying to figure out nutrition - she can't manage crickets anymore, as they are far too jumpy for me to actually get them in her mouth. Soldier fly larvae come out the other end still whole. Mostly she's been eating meal worms, with an odd horn worm here and there. She is definitely gaining too much weight though. I finally managed to find some Dubia roaches last week (they're hard to get in Canada, and super expensive!) I'll be trying to breed the Dubias for her, for more sustainable food. So until my colony is self sustaining, I'm only giving about 3 roaches every 5 days or so right now. I hope to make the roaches her staple food soon.
She is alllll about water now, it's funny to watch. When her mister goes off in the evening, she starts going to town licking all her leaves. Never saw her so it before she lost her tongue. We moved her into her new cage a few weeks ago, and she is absolutely loving it! I was so worried about her, but she's turned into such a happy little girl. ❤️
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