Russia. Krasnoyarsk.

Добро пожаловать! Очень приятно! Я учу русский.

The pictures are great! Bring on more!

Огpомное спасибо!

Chase and Petrovic - lol this is so :cool:. Internet is awesome :D

Мне очень нравится ваш красочный Furcifer слишком
I'd like to hear about your content (Chamaeleo jacksonii). I have little experience in these homeleonam. my bad eating. spasiblo.
Улыбающиеся лица являются универсальными

Привет Gerych! Тоже решил кругозор расширить? Hi Gerych! Also decided to expand the horizons?

У ребят больший срок и опыт в содержании.Надеюсь почерпнуть полезное.

The guys have more time and experience in the content. I hope to gain useful.
Here are a couple of photos of my chameleons. And the question. How much should eat these Chamaeleo jacksonii xantholopus. My little eating.
We are so happy to see you and your chameleons. If you tell me what you are feeding you chams, them I can tell you how much to feed them. They are beautiful chameleons.
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