Rieppeleon brevicaudatus (Bearded Pygmy Chameleon)


I need some advice. I hatch out 15 neonate Rieppeleon brevicaudatus (Bearded Pygmy Chameleon) about 2 months ago and they all are doing good except for one that got smashed in the door track. How old should these little guys be before they are safe to sell? Do the do well in shipping? How much would you charge for a neonate>
Well fl chams once sold ones that were 6 weeks old but since your not a massive company I would maybe wait a little bit longer. Pricing could be debatable, some say $80 others are $40. It all depends which you believe is reasonable an isn't way over priced. If you are willing to sell soon I would love to take one so pm of that's possible because only one other member here that has hatched pygmies lately, or at least that I've heard.
I dont think we are allowed to discuss sale prices and things like that, but i would let those guys go at around 3-4 months if it were me
Ok 3 to 4 months sounds good to me these guys are tiny and would feel alot better if they were a bit older.
Some update pictures of the neonates.


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Great Job!
I use to raise this species a few years ago (great for breeding projects as they don't take long to hatch out).. Never sold any (gave and trade type person) but know they went to good homes.

The designs are awesome..
Just curious--- Did you have any that are growing faster than others? I had one that was adult size in 3 months and never saw her eat more than the others.. WEIRD!!!!!!

Keep up the great job!
It's hard to get good pictures the camera does not like the LED lights.


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Qdude yes I think that is a male but I am not the best at sexing these little guys.
mhfan305 Hope the rest of these Pictures give you a better Idea of the setup.

Mredhorse All of my babies seem to be growing the same speed. There are a few the are slighly bigger but nothing compared to what you are explaining.


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I've wanted to love in Florida for a long time because of all the wild life. How old are they now? 3 months I guessing?
I've wanted to love in Florida for a long time because of all the wild life. How old are they now? 3 months I guessing?

Yeap About three months but I'm glad iv held them this long. Lost about 4 or 5 in the last 2 weeks. one drowned one got smushed and the other ones I just found laying in the tank. The only way I can keep track of them is wait till lights out and use a flashlight. They are little white dots in a sea of green.
No they are very simple to take care of. At this size I feed them pinhead crickets , bean beetles and fruitflies. The tank is on a automatic lights and misting. I have some flour beetle larvae I want to try also just have gotten around to tring it. I keep all kinda of things the same way electric blue day geckos , dart frogs and bumblebee toads.
Some eggs waiting to hatch and one of my males. Who says pygmies have dull colors?


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How hard was it to find their eggs? I have 1.3 r brevs in a very well-planted terrarium. I can rarely find more than 3 of the adults at a time. I was thinking about letting nature take its course, I.e. If eggs are laid, just leave them to hatch (or not) in the terrarium.

Have you ever let them hatch with the adults or always pull them put?
How hard was it to find their eggs? I have 1.3 r brevs in a very well-planted terrarium. I can rarely find more than 3 of the adults at a time. I was thinking about letting nature take its course, I.e. If eggs are laid, just leave them to hatch (or not) in the terrarium.

Have you ever let them hatch with the adults or always pull them put?[/Q

Not too hard but alot of digging. I watch the fat girls and when they look skinny and are covered in dirt I got digging. I do miss eggs and find a random baby in the tank here and there. If left in the tank there is a chance the parents will eat the babies.
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