really need help


Established Member
i suspect my panther is suffering from kidney failure. im going to take him to the vet soon but i was wondering if anyone has had any experience with this and tips that i should know and ask the vet about. all advice welcome.

here's the story. i've beem noticing lately that my panther is becoming very clumsy and has been falling a little bit. he also has what looks like an edema in front of each eye. he has also been dangling his legs a bit. gout was the first thing i suspected when a guy i work with told me his panther had the same thing and it turned out to be kidney failure. however, i went to the reptile expo in white plains yesterday and spoke to vincent about his problems and he told me it was more likely mbd. does anyone else have an opinion?
sorry again im speaking about vincent from screameleons i purchased my panther from him.
I would take it to the vet. Its hard to diagnose what's going on just by a description.

If its gout or MBD or kidney failure you will still need the help of a vet for the best chance of recovery.
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