Real Panther Chameleons Ankify...


Chameleon Enthusiast
There is a bad habit to assign the panther chameleons to local populations (wrongly called “locale”) nasednon the phenotype (appearance) of adult males. The chameleons are quite variable within the populations and in certain populations, treats of other populations can easily appear and they do. So, what I see more and more i. The cyberspace is, that some Ambanja are wrongly assigned to Ankify.
Ankify is in fact a small island, separated from the mailand by mangrooves that het flooded periodically. Its population is perfectly isolated from the Ambanja Mainland.
Enjoy the view of few examples of REAL ANKIFY, photographed recently in the wild


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So @PetNcs how is it we can definitely tell an Ambanja from an Ankify?

There is NO WAY IMHO
Based on my experience, the inly way is to be there and see it in the wild where it sits
All other things are not teliable
The variabikity is so wide that yiu can easily see Ankify oatterns in Nosy Be, Ambanja, Nosy Komba.
Maybe this is the answer...
"Ambanja display brighter background blues and bar colours ( blue or red ), Ankify display brighter barring and the background blues turn yellow/orange"...

this should be a definition?
Hiw yoj measure?
With all respect, this is not the way IMHO
Additiknally, only the wild populations can give us the answer.
If yiu compare what yiu hsve already in the captivity, yiu compare not ehat IS an Ankify but WHAT YOU BELIEVE it is. And witb line breedjng and caltivity, you can het heavy modifications iber just few generation, even more if tij almost never know ehat a female you really have
What I was trying to find out was what a wild Ankify looked like compared to a wild Ambanja looked like. I thought it was a simple question.
So...are there any genetic differences in them or are they all the same?
What I was trying to find out was what a wild Ankify looked like compared to a wild Ambanja looked like. I thought it was a simple question.
So...are there any genetic differences in them or are they all the same?

They are genetically distinct - no doubt
They represent geographically isolated populations with no genetic flow - no doubt
They are rather close to each other - no doubt
Can they be separated doubtlessly frim eacb other just on the basis of appearance - I can not do it, because some animals from
Different localities can look similar

can I show you how real hundred percent sure Ankify look like? Sure! I have done it already
here they are just scroll down

You want to see real Ambanja? Just ask, I have hundreds of pictures is a fantastic source of true field information too
Their pictures are indigenous and correct
Thanks Petr...I can't download the link but will try again later.
Good to know that madcham is good information.
Thise ambanjas are beautiful.
Great info on here. I’m choosing to watch this thread to have easy access to the info. I bought a 5 month Ankify last month so it will be fun to see if he’s really an Ambanja or not. Thanks everyone
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