Ralph and Phylis


New Member
I didn't know that it's not just the colour changing that makes these guys invisible ( also didn't know they actually CAN do invisible) it's also the fact they can contort thier bodies into such weird shapes aswell!? They can utterly change thier outline AND change thier colour. I found a foot this morning that might as well have been disembodied. I just couldn't find the rest of it! Then after a good thirty seconds of looking I see that the chameleon is actually just sat right in front of me! Not even hiding. They're THAT good and I'm so impressed! lol I noticed my female doing a neck stretching type movement when being defensive too, can anyone comment on that? It just seems a bit odd? Maybe it's just meant to make her look bigger. She stretches her neck right out in front of her and does a funny little head wobble lol Here they both are anyway. I fall further and further into a chasm of love for them both each day :)


You ain't seen me... Right. lol
They look great! As for extending the neck, she was probably firing up. When they do this, they inflate and change color to make themselves look intimidating to try and scare off predators.
Falling in love with these chams is part of the job description. Both Ralph and Phylis are too sweet for you not to love.

Yes an adult can draw blood. A few members have had it happen. But as you know your cham you will learn when 'leave me alone' really means just that. I had a veiled that acted like me would take my head off on a daily basis. He never once bite me, Pickle was all show, and we both knew it. My husband was terrified of him.:D
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