quadricorn cham any one have on in the u.k

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New Member
hi does anyone have a male quadricorn cham baby or adult in the united kingdom that is for sale as i am desperatly searching for one ,he woul have a lovely big enclosure with all the corrwect fitting and temps ect ect as i am experianced but sadly lost my male.
I did have an offer from a U.K based member on here a week ago called treelions but i havent heard from him yet so dont know if has got my messages or is still selling please let me know if you can help by ....P.M thanks laods katt.:p
If you know somebody who comes the the Netherlands I do have babies. I'm at the Nijmegen and Houten show, and maybe I go to Hamm as well.
Ooooh wow have they hatched!!! How lovely.. Have just got some dwarf jacksons chams ..a pair of 1 year olds instead as i didnt think anyone had any quads for sale in the u.k and i wasnt prepared to get w/c after what i read about the import and the probs with w/c...i may be in contact tho about some quads in the future as i sooooooo want some of these lovelys!!! Wish i had known before...never mind thanks anyway guys. X;)
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