Possible to exclude crickets from Panther diet?


New Member
New to the forum as I am interested in getting into Chameleons (specifically Ambilobe Panthers).
I currently keep/breed 4 species of Dart Frogs, L.Williamsi Geckos, Leopard Geckos, & phelsuma klemmeri geckos. All in my small DT Vancouver condo without them taking over, haha.
I have always loved Chameleons but did not like using crickets as a feeder when I tried my hand with Tree Frogs. Crickets are so smelly, difficult to breed, and hard to contain.
For my current animals I keep Mealworms, Superworms, and Fruit Flies. I am wondering if properly gut loaded/dusted these would suffice? If not, what could I add to my routine other that crickets?
New to the forum as I am interested in getting into Chameleons (specifically Ambilobe Panthers).
I currently keep/breed 4 species of Dart Frogs, L.Williamsi Geckos, Leopard Geckos, & phelsuma klemmeri geckos. All in my small DT Vancouver condo without them taking over, haha.
I have always loved Chameleons but did not like using crickets as a feeder when I tried my hand with Tree Frogs. Crickets are so smelly, difficult to breed, and hard to contain.
For my current animals I keep Mealworms, Superworms, and Fruit Flies. I am wondering if properly gut loaded/dusted these would suffice? If not, what could I add to my routine other that crickets?

Blaptica Dubia!!! they're really awesome and don't smell or climb smooth surfaces! They're also very prolific breeders, you could even try discoids or hissers as well. With chameleons, you'll have to provide a variety of prey items, personally I think no feeder should make up more than 25% of the diet. There is a list of chameleon appropriate feeders in the resources section of the forum. Oh yea, and welcome to the forum and I hope you decide to get into the chameleon addiction.
You can use hornworms, silkworms, superworms, B. dubia, and blue bottle flies to name a few. Variety and gutloading are essential for chameleon care.
I don't like crickets. I feed mine Dubia roaches, silk worms, hornworms, Phoenix worms, super worms.........pretty much anything other than crickets.
Awesome thanks!
Having a hard time finding good specimens here in Canada that are willing to ship this time of year is the issue now...
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