Possible Eggs?


New Member
My girl is either getting fat or getting eggs. She's still eating (a lot), and hasn't been at the bottom of her enclosure. But I think that she might be getting (growing?) some eggs. The vet a few weeks ago said that she was old enough to start laying eggs and to keep an eye out.


it looks like she might! how old is she? they can start developing eggs anytime after 4-6 months. do you have a laying bin set up and in her enclosure for her? if not here are two links on how to set up a laying bin :) there should be one in her enclosure 24/7 after 4-6 months of age that way if you miss the signs of her producing eggs she still has the chance to lay!
She is about 6 months. Her plant is live and in a very large pot. We were hoping when we made it we could use it as a laying bin. We are prepared to get a sand bucket very quickly if we find she doesn't like the dirt in her pot. I'm definitely going to prepare it in the next couple of days by removing the rocks on top of the dirt, making sure it is dig-able and can hold tunnels, and maybe add some sand to it. I'm not going to take chances :)
in my opinion it would be best to make a seperate laying bin for these reasons, the roots of the plant might make it more difficult for her to dig therefore she could become eggbound in the process, the soil may not be ideal for tunneling, you may not want the eggs rotting in the soil so getting them in a seperate bin would allow you to get rid of them. :) but thats just my opinion! you want to make it as easy on your girl as possible especially since this is her first time laying.
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