Please HELP! Wounded chameleon

Hello i was letting my chameleon get some sunshine and he escaped his cage and my dogs got a hold of him his back is pretty messed up looks like the spinal area is exposed but intact. There are no vets around me that are open please help!! 😭😭😭
What area are you situated? Here is a chameleon vet list that may help

For now I’d say make sure he’s comfortable and safe. Is he bleeding anywhere?
Oh my! You need a vet immediately! Do you have an emergency vets that see reptiles in your area? You need to keep him as clean as possible. It would be best to put him in a hospital bin, which would be any clean plastic bin. Line it with paper towel for now and put in a balled up washcloth or small hand towel for him to hold onto and a small plant or even just a good vine of something like pothos. Cover with screen (remove the door to your enclosure if you need to use that) and give him a little heat. Maybe a temp of 75 or so. The human nurse in me wants to tell you to gently rinse the wound with water, but I don’t know if that would be good or not, so don’t do it. If he is not moving much, and if you have some clean or sterile gauze, I want you to moisten it with water and wring some out so it is wet but not dripping and put some plain neosporin on it in a thin layer. Place that loosely over the wound area. You need to protect it and try to keep the tissues somewhat moist if possible. You may need to periodically spray the gauze to keep it moist. That may make it more comfortable and have a better prognosis if it is treatable. If he is moving, nothing will stay on. I hate to tell you, but if the wound is as bad as it sounds, he will likely need to be euthanized. I’m so very sorry.
Oh my! You need a vet immediately! Do you have an emergency vets that see reptiles in your area? You need to keep him as clean as possible. It would be best to put him in a hospital bin, which would be any clean plastic bin. Line it with paper towel for now and put in a balled up washcloth or small hand towel for him to hold onto and a small plant or even just a good vine of something like pothos. Cover with screen (remove the door to your enclosure if you need to use that) and give him a little heat. Maybe a temp of 75 or so. The human nurse in me wants to tell you to gently rinse the wound with water, but I don’t know if that would be good or not, so don’t do it. If he is not moving much, and if you have some clean or sterile gauze, I want you to moisten it with water and wring some out so it is wet but not dripping and put some plain neosporin on it in a thin layer. Place that loosely over the wound area. You need to protect it and try to keep the tissues somewhat moist if possible. You may need to periodically spray the gauze to keep it moist. That may make it more comfortable and have a better prognosis if it is treatable. If he is moving, nothing will stay on. I hate to tell you, but if the wound is as bad as it sounds, he will likely need to be euthanized. I’m so very sorry.
Thank you so much 😭😭
Where do you live?

Photos of the injury please.
In lake jackson TX. It isnt bleeding i had put some betadine on it because i didnt know what ro do earlier 😭😭 its now covered with moistened sterile gauze


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He needs to see a vet now…immediately. You need to find one that’s open.

I’m not a vet, so I can’t tell you if there is any damage that is critical to his surviving this or not…but…it’s a huge area and I’m sure he needs pain medication and antibiotics if he can even survive this.
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