Pet Store Chameleons


New Member
I'm sure many of us have heard or experienced horror stories about getting a chameleon from a pet store. Can anyone share a positive experience?
I myself work at Petsmart and let my heart get the best of me with a female veiled at the beginning of the year. Things have been wonderful with her and I and I owe alot of it to the guidance of you guys right here!
Yes many pet stores are uneducated about the animals carried there and it's a shame. This has been a great opportunity for me to contribute positively by either properly educating or re-directing customers to places they can get support as well as answers (hopefully) before purchasing as well as during the care of their new friend.

I can't in fact I went today to a Petco today and they had 2 female panthers one had mouth rot pretty bad and the other looked good but they had no idea what they were he kept calling the males but had no larger buldge under the tail. I refuse to buy anything there and it wouldn't be so bad if they actually cared for the animals. Not saying you don't. It just sucks seeing some of them in that shape
I just got a baby veiled yesterday from petsmart he is very healthy just has a small burn on the top of his head but he is healty and very cute
We purchased our jackson at petsmart on sale for 50% off. He was healthy and almost 2.5 years later he is still doing great. Now the store advise would not have helped us care for him correctly, that we got from the forum, but he was healthy when we purchased him.
Saw a female panther at Petco today also in a tank with 4 veileds. The panther looked pretty healthy. Has anyone ever thought that the more they look like they need rescuing is another selling point?
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Our little guy came from petsmart as well and he is doing great we have had him now for about 6 months and we are actually in the process of building him a much bigger nicer home right now.
My female Veiled we bought it at Petsmart she was 5 month old when we got her, she's now 6 months old, she was really skinny when I got her but she is too weight now and good health also.

I did have to get rid of most of the stuff that they recommended getting for my cham, and I am glad I found this place because 90% of the information was wrong
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