Pascal is doing much better


New Member
I would share a picture but...he is annoyingly good at avoiding them. We are at the point now that I stack a bunch of pillows up on sofa next to his cage as a "blind" for me. Then I feed him and pretend to leave the room - turning off all lights except for those in his cage. Then I sneak up and hide behind the blind so I can watch him eat. If he catches me looking, he runs off.

Anyway, I had a lot of confusing about superworms vs. king worms vs. meal worms. To make matters worse, my pet store was calling their superworms / king worms "King Meal Worms"... but when I looked around i found this

and what my pet store is selling is totally the top I think I am okay with feeding him those.

I have been feeding him a variety of things.
1) 5 -6 crickets a day, gutloaded with blackberries, apples, kale, brussel sprouts, cricket food and a water jelly with calcium supplement in it
2) 2 dubai roaches (small) gutloaded with the same stuff as above
3) 2 or 3 wax worms
4) 1 or 2 king worms (see pic above)

I know the wax worms are basically all fat - but he is so skinny, I am hoping to get him bigger.

Anyway, I noticed this morning that he eats the wax worms first. then he tries the king worms...if they fight back (and they do) he drops them and runs away.

When he returns he eats the crickets and leaves the roaches for later in the day.

I am cup feeding him from a large tupperware bowl so the feeders cant get out...except those dubai roaches are great at hitching a ride on him and escaping.

I dont normally handle him but he got a large leg stuck under his tongue, sticking out the side of his mouth this morning...and after watching him try to get it out for a good 5 minutes and it was obvious he wouldnt continue eating till it was out. He walked away from the I decided to help him out. I gently picked him up and pulled the leg out then immediately put him back in cage....he gave me dirty looks for another 10 minutes before he resumed feeding. He is totally a grumpy old man at 9months.


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I'm glad to hear that Pascal is doing better. You need to dust his feeders with supplements. It sounds like you are putting the supplements on the gut load??? He needs calcium without D-3 lightly on his feeders at just about every single feeding, calcium with D-3 twice a month and a multi vitamin (I recommend Reptivite without d-3) twice a month.

The top worms are ok to use but they do bite. I take large tweezers and smash their hears for my older and sick chams.
I am dusting the feeders as well. He gets calcium dust every day.
Multi vitamen and Calcium with D3 once a month - alhough I read some people (including you) do the vitamin 2 times a month. I see you recommend twice a month - is there any risk. I read some people saying to much vitamen and d3 is dangerous.
I am dusting the feeders as well. He gets calcium dust every day.
Multi vitamen and Calcium with D3 once a month - alhough I read some people (including you) do the vitamin 2 times a month. I see you recommend twice a month - is there any risk. I read some people saying to much vitamen and d3 is dangerous.

If he gets outside time for natural UVB then he may not need the D3 twice a month but will still need vitamins twice a month. I recommend a multi vitamin that has the A in it such as Reptivite.
Wonderful feedback. I will up both to twice a month. He doesnt let me handle him so he doesnt get outside time. Plus I live in south san francisco and the average temp here is between average hi in september 75 and 45 (in january) - almost year round.
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