Panther locale?


New Member
Just wondering if you can ID this panther for me. Long story and not my chameleon. Previous owner states it is a Ambilobe from Kamoflage. I know this cham is pretty stressed out and maybe it's colors are not fully showing, plus I really know nothing about panthers, but I cannot find any pics of an Ambilobe that looks like this.
I would appreciate an expert opinion:


Also, it has some bad spots on it's skin that I have not seen before. At first I thought burns but wouldn't they be darker?


Thanks for any help

Email Kammer's. They keep excellent records and will be able to tell you who the parents are and what type. I had to get some similiar info yesterday from them and they were great. You might try and email them now. I was online with them several times yesterday from about now until three am. Good luck david
BTW... couldn't tell about the spots with those photos. Looks like normal shedding to me from those angles.
I'd second Jake. To me, it looks to be mostly ambanja, possibly a mix.

I would be concerned about the skin though. If it were just in one spot I would say burn, but it is apparent in a few places like on the knee as well as the casque. Could just be a burn though and those were the most exposed spots though
im goin with what kevin has to say. Looks like an ambanja with bad scars from burns to me or some of the spots may be where he was chewed on by crickets. He doesnt look very well taken care of.
Thanks everyone! I sort of thought Ambanja but was not sure.

Yeah, he does not look like he was well taken care of. Again, the white scar tissue looks a lot different than what I would have thought a burn looks like. He is also very dehydrated . . .

Thanks again

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