Panther diet?


New Member
:confused:One of my female panthers is looking a litle plump, she´s allways been a litle fat since i got her at 2,5 - 3 months old. Now she is about 5 months old and still have a very healthy appetit. What can i do to make her loose some weight, and still be sure she gets enough food to continue growing?


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I know. But they cant have eggs at 2,5 months. Look at the first picture, she was fat back then too. I dont have a laying bin in there right now because i seriosly dont think she got eggs. I think the problem is her eating way too much.
Her arms and face at at good levels, not fat, so I would also say it's probably her carrying eggs. I'd have a laying bin in there just in case, really, because it's just easier and safer than waiting until she starts digging in her plant pots!

She's a beautiful female, by the way, I really mean that. I love the blue on her face and her tan markings. Mine is solid whitish-tan when she's not receptive or anything and I wish she had those neat tan markings, I think they're pretty.
Thanks Olimpia :)
I dont really know how much i acctually feed her, depends on the size of crickets/dubia to. Maybe 10-15 a day. The last month or so she been geting a lot of snacks from nature too. Is i ok to only feed her every other day in that age? How many lets say 3/4-1 inch crickets would you recomend?
I will put up a put a laying bin just in case - But the colors and her behavior dosent scream pregnant to me at all ;-)
Thanks Olimpia :)
I dont really know how much i acctually feed her, depends on the size of crickets/dubia to. Maybe 10-15 a day. The last month or so she been geting a lot of snacks from nature too. Is i ok to only feed her every other day in that age? How many lets say 3/4-1 inch crickets would you recomend?
I will put up a put a laying bin just in case - But the colors and her behavior dosent scream pregnant to me at all ;-)

I feed my F. Paradalis females 4-5, 1/2-3/4 inch crickets/dubia each day and skip a day here and there. I feed hornworms on a regular basis once or twice a week as well. They seem to do better on this diet and their clutches are reasonable with an average of 25 when they lay. I also keep their basking spot around 85F max. When I feed more I have one female that will lay 35 eggs but with the reduction in food her last clutch was 26 and she looks much better. She also layed her eggs quicker after breeding this time around. Multiple benefits to scaling back their food a bit. JMO
If you feed every other day you may even be able to prevent laying all together if she isn't already gravid. Around 6 months, a lot of people start feeding every other day. One panther females start laying though, people don't seem to have much luck stopping them (unlike veileds.)
She could just have HUGE fat pads, they are located on both sides at the end 1/3 of her body. Do you feed her many worms of any kind? If you do, maybe cut it back and feed her more roaches/crickets/locusts/grasshoppers/stickbugs etc.

She looks healthy though. I have had females look that way for 3-5 months before laying eggs so don't fret.
Thank you for all the great replies, i really appricate it. I will try to reduce her diet a bit, and lower her basking temps too. And finally put in a laying bin just in case she is gravid already, even tho i dont think thats the case.
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