On the Brink


New Member
I think Spike might be on his last ounce of energy. I have gotten great feedback from many of you and I thank you for the encouragement. It has been suggested that I give more information about Spike to see if there is anything left I can do to help him out.

Spike went on a hunger strike about three weeks ago. Until that point, he had been thriving in our environment (about one and a half years). He was so weak this past Saturday, we took him to a vet who specializes in exotics. He was de-wormed (JIC), hydrated, force fed a mixture with food and injected with calcium and vitamin A, D & E.

We really don't know why he went on a hunger strike because nothing in his environment had truly changed, which makes me think it's something internal.

Spike seemed to perk up a little after the vet visit. Saturday night though, we noticed a problem with his right eye being swollen and a purple pea sized bulge when he blinked. Then we noticed a funky color change on his body at certain times. I will post pictures of both these scenarios.

Sunday, we force fed him two crickets and a sow bug (spring has hit and we are starting to see fresh food - last summer he ate sow bugs like m-n-ms).

I have been giving him a warm water soak 20 minutes a day per the vet because she said Spike can soak in some water through his anus for hydration purposes.

So now, Spike is very weak again. He's had enough "spunk" that I can't get his mouth open for a force feeding and feel that it is just stressing him out more. He hasn't eaten since Sunday and is sleeping most of the morning today with a limited grip on his branches.

I hate to see him weak and suffering and based on input from you all, I may take him back to the vet to be put down because I'm thinking that all the signs are not so good and to know that he is suffering seems cruel. There is so much emotional pull to keep him going though, my four kids and I are pretty attached to this guy. I was hopeful this weekend because he bounced back with the injections, but now that he isn't responding to me, I'm thinking there may be more underlying issues that I can see.

Thank you in advance for any advice. Here are the particulars of his habitat below that he once thrived in:

Chameleon Info:
Spike, Male, 2 years old
How long has it been in your care? 1 1/2 years
Handling - How often do you handle your chameleon? Frequently
Feeding - What are you feeding your cham? Gut loaded crickets in the winter and fresh caught sow bugs and beetles in the summer in addition to the crickets.

What amount? On demand. Some days he'd eat 4-6 crickets and then take a couple days off. Some days he'd take two and eat a few days in a row. He would eat from our hands or hunt. We never left in extra crickets over night.

Watering - We mist a few time a day. He only drinks directly from the squirt bottle, so I stand and "nurse" him until he stops drinking. Usually every day or other day. I leave the spray bottle with the red cap next to his cage and he crawls in front of it if he is thirsty too.

Fecal Description - This weeks droppings from the force feed are only partially digested. You can see the main body of the cricket. He was de-wormed at the vet this weekend just in case.

Cage Info:
Cage Type - All screen 2 1/2 feet by 2 1/2 feet
Lighting - Heat and UV
Temperature - Night time about 65 degrees, Day time up to high 70's.
Plants - All fake
Placement - Cage is in the living room next to a bay window and over a radiant heat source. Therefore lots of misting to keep things moist.
Location - CT

Current Problem - Hunger Strike to the point of extreme weakness. Discoloration on skin. Swollen eye.


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How old is your uvb bulb? what kind is it?
Are you using any supplements with him? If so what kind?

what do yu gutload with?

Why do you not offer any other bugs?
My UV light is the original from a year and a half ago. Should they be replaced? Its an 18 inch zoo med.

Crickets are all i can get locally. Should he be getting more of a variety? Since he had seemed to be thriving, we didn't change up.

When I analyze, there seems to be many seemingly little things we could've done differently that could add up - but because he was seemingly healthy we thought we were doing things "right."

I am noting and will make the environmental changes, but continue to stress about how to get him hydration and nutrients. I don't think he will make it another 48 hours if I don't, he's that weak. I am holding him cuddled like a baby now and only getting tail movement and brief openings of his eyes.
UVB bulbs stop producing the appropriate rays after about 6 months old.
So yes, it needs to be replaced.
Chams shoudl get as much variety as possible.
Many of us cant get othe rbugs from local stores, whcih is why we order bugs online.

I feed crickets, dubia roaches, pheonix worms, hornworms, silkworms, and super worms. on varying schedules.

What supplements are you using? and what do you gutload with?

He might be able to pull through.

I would suggest if you cna, get him outside for natural sunlight.
Thank you all for the advice. I am hoping the sun will break through in more ways than one. Right now I have spike curled up lifeless in my son's shirt and under the UV light. The poor little guy has become very light in color, and taking gasping breaths. He can still crack his eyes open and responds to touch. My prayers that he can make it until my son gets home from school - they are very attached. So sad to watch. I did call the vet and they said the death process can actually take days? My thought is if he is still lifeless tomorrow morning and my son has said he goodbyes, I should take him to the vet for euthanization? If anyone has been through this, I welcome advice or thoughts.
With tears,
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