Not so lilttle anymore...


Avid Member
Its alil cool an was raining here in so cal so the boys were looking alil grey I still took some pics... "Pic Heavy"




Thanks Natalie an Hoj Im more then happy how there turning out, I knew starting with great bloodlines they would look good but there looking great, theres 3 diff boys there.. Ive got 8 that are out from the second clutch so time to thin down alil more it was tough to decide which im goin to keep "hes the one in the full shot" they all have quite a bit or red but that dude is crazy..
Nice choice Rob he is smoking now and is only going to get better!! They are all looking really great and I don't know how you can decide but must be easier knowing there are more in the pipes :D:D
Nice choice Rob he is smoking now and is only going to get better!! They are all looking really great and I don't know how you can decide but must be easier knowing there are more in the pipes :D:D

Thanks rob it was hard to choose. Ive decided which one im goin to sell though..
Not so little, but still pretty little :) Looking very sweet, and of course very Faly :D
You trying to make me broody? :D I'm still looking forward to having my own first batch of little green babies...........maybe next year.......
very nice cams. they sure are beautiful faly's :D:D can't wait to see these guys mature if they look that nice already :) i don't know how you can part with any
very nice cams. they sure are beautiful faly's :D:D can't wait to see these guys mature if they look that nice already :) i don't know how you can part with any

Thank you, Its hard to but ive kept em awhile an have more comin up behind em so haveta thin it down alil to make room.

thanks Ryan!! yours has hatched out he will be ready soon.. hows ya new baby doin? cant wait to see how they turn out.. amazing blue is gunna be at kevins tomarrow for the meeting, you an lisa goin or if ya around after ill give you a ring.
The one I picked was the one you are keeping :) maybe my "eye" for them is getting better!
After holding one of Suzi's bitty babies the other day, I have a longing for another
The one I picked was the one you are keeping :) maybe my "eye" for them is getting better!
After holding one of Suzi's bitty babies the other day, I have a longing for another

i have a feeling there all goin to look simular, there all goin to have alot of white an red... these guys are beyound the baby stage now its just sit an watch the color to come.. i have em when ya ready..
Great looking group of boys you got there!

Thanks curt, i knew they would be nice but theyve turned out better then nice.. Im looking forward to them gettin out to there new homes and making more falys with alot of white and red..
More pics of the boys.... the first two looks almost like twins... the third one is a month an a half behind the first two an his red spots are a poppin.. he is goin to his new home in san diego on mon..




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