Next pet...any opinions!?


New Member
Hi all....i have been thinking for a wee while now of maybe adding to the family!I was hoping that the more experienced keepers might help me out a bit here:rolleyes:!!I was thinking maybe a tree frog?...gecko?any help would be appreciated,maybe something that is simple enough to keep and that would eat the same kind of diet that Trixxi eats.Thanks for any help/ideas:)
At the last reptile show I got a Crested Gecko-really cool and supposedly tolerate handling well. Another thing a breeder showed me was Mossy Frogs. They were not super jumpy, and looked very cool. I love my Bearded Dragon, and my tortoise. I agree with Jo-whatever appeals to you.
Well.....i was hoping for something that i could handle this time around:confused:

Well that tends to rule out frogs and geckos for the most part (you can ofcourse, but they tend not to like it much. Wet hands if you handle frogs.)

Bearded dragons are probably the most popular pet lizard the world over.
Very amenable to handling. Im sure you would adore a beardy.
If your happy to undo all St Patricks good work, you might consider a small snake? With care they can be handled easily. :)))
Skinks, tegus etc, most are handleable. Monitors can become dog tame, but smaller species, less so. Perhaps a turtle, or if you want to send me green with envy, a tortoise!

This is all assuming you want another Reptile ofcourse.
Birds can be wonderful pets if you like them.

For a reptile:

1. Bearded Dragon , very hardy, will share your chams diet (plus veg/fruit),
Very handlable, will not run away. Quite amusing too, and will display the cutest behaviours such as headbobbing/armwaving (dep on sex).
Relatively simple caging requirments, wont normally bite (its very rare)
Always CB, many bright colored 'morphs' to choose from.
Breed readily.
Beardies are great. Chad and Darci have one that is amazingly tame. At the AZ show he just sat on the table under his lamp the whole time, no restrictions from moving but he was just content to stay put. He didn't mind strangers reaching over to give him a stroke. I was really taken with this lizard.

Blue tongue skinks are another great "pet" reptile.

Dan...I'm currently looking for a Sulcata Tort. :p eat your heart out mate. lol
If I had the room for the size viv an adult needs I would have a Beardie! :D They are gorgeous! Leopard Geckos or Crested Geckos are really cute too, but they tend to be more nocturnal than beardies.
I haven't got loads of room so was looking for something nice and small and that wouldn't take up a lot of space and defo another reptile!:D Thanks all who have sent any suggestions so far:)
Dan...I'm currently looking for a Sulcata Tort. eat your heart out mate. lol

Cool as! *turning green ala Hulk* :p Hope your going to post pics mate :)

Ronnie, if room is an issue and Beardys take your fancy, All hope is not lost. P.Henrylawsonii (pygmy bearded dragons) aka rankins dragons in other parts, boast all the same attractions but a third the size! A pair will live in a 3 ft enclosure or tank.
Almost identical enviroment requirements.
Likewise, there is whole raft of small dragon species (all from Oz pure :p) that will not require much room. No idea of availability in the emerald isle but if you dont have draconian import restrictions, The states boast many of them. :)
I have a Gargoyle Gecko He is GREAT! I thought he would be a look don't touch gecko, but nope. He comes out to play all the time. He eats Mango baby food off my hand as a treat whenever he comes out and its so cute. He loves to jump and he recognizes me. My 7 Year old brother was holding him one day and since he is so young my brother can't sit still and my gecko was getting angry at him so he kept jumping onto my shoulder and looking at me like THANK GOODNESS! I got away from him! it was so funny. They are super easy to keep to they eat a powdered food all you have to do is mix it with water, and mist them once a day. They stay in normal house temps so unless your house is SUPER COLD you don't need any light cause they are nocturnal they don't need UVB. They are really fun I put my vote in for a Garg or Creastie.
PS I also have 2 leopard geckos and they are great too
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