New to the forums!

Hi all!

New to the forums, but have found lots of great info on here! My hubby and I purchased a pair of Jackon's at a Repticon recently, and we are in LOVE! I have always wanted one, we keep some other reptiles and have for a couple of years, but I am now hooked, lol!

Both of our chams seem to be doing very well, despite living together. The guy we bought ours from seemed very knowledgeable, and I believed him when he said that Jackson's are actually quite communal and don't mind to live together, even though I had read different. We do plan on separating them as soon as we get another screen enclosure and UVB bulb.

Just got them a live plant today, and love how much it livens things up.. hehe!

Anyways, the male is about 5 months old, and the female four.

Here are some photos!

Spartacus on the way home not sure what's going on:


Eye see you!

And their enclosure:
Who was it who said jackson's can be communal? Someone who breeds jax successfully is probably someone we know here and I know I'd like to check this out before taking a chance with my animals. I know jax can coexist in very large cages such as a room size or a green house. However, this is NOT a guarrantee that your two can share space peacefully. They are getting to the age to be separated and your cage isn't big enough, so go ahead and do it. They can and do stress each other without fighting and the male will eventually want to breed constantly. Your little girl will suffer.

You can create a larger cage that can be divided visually down the middle, making it easier to share lights, misting systems and foggers, etc.
welcome to the forums! I hope you find it as useful and interesting as I do.
nice looking animals.

I have read more about problems when Jacks are housed together than about successes. Given the smaller size of your enclosure, Im glad you plan to separate them.

hope the humidity doesnt wreck your star wars poster ;)
Thanks! Hubby has been wanting to name some animals from that show for a while! And yes, so tragic about Andy. I think it took the entire season for me to get used to the new actor!
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