New panther not eating regularly


New Member
Accidentally ordered medium crickets instead of small, and I've seen him eat 3 the first morning after I got him, but not much since.
  • Your Chameleon - ambilobe panther, age unknown...a couple months, supposedly male but seller was unsure, 1 week in my care
  • Handling - only a few times while relocating and adding things to enclosure.
  • Feeding - staple of crickets, also purchased black solder fly larve, and horn worms. I usually put 10 -15 crickets into a suspended plastic tray that the crickets can slowly end up climbing out of to free range. I do this in the morning around 7am when I leave for work after misting and lights on for an hour. I am gutloading with a blended mixture of alfalfa sprouts, papaya, orange, sweet potato, zucchini, squash, watercress, rainbow carrots, and mixed with water and unflavored gelatin which I poured into ice cube trays. I also just got repashy supergutload powder to also sprinkle on top.
  • Supplements - repti-cal without d3 light dusting every feed, repti-cal with d3 light dusting every 2 weeks. And I don't have any multi vitamin supplements yet and would love some brand advice.
  • Watering - I am currently hand misting using bottled water and a mister bottle. 2-3 times a day. 3 min In the morning about 20 minutes after his lights come on, a brief one in the afternoon, and another 3 min a few hours before his lights go out. Yes I have seen him drinking.
  • Fecal Description - he has not been tested for parasites, his feces is firm moist, the uriates are white and creamy
  • History - purchased from lll reptile

Cage Info:

  • Cage Type - the reptile breeze medium starter kit enclosure. So 16×16×30 mesh.
  • Lighting - right now the included zoo med domelight uvb, basking lamp combo. But ordered the 5.0uvb bar and will put the basking bulb in a clamp housing. They are located on top of the enclosure about 5-6" away from the highest surface cham can basking on, other than the top of the screen.
  • Temperature - the temp sensor located under the basking bulb reads in the low 80's. And ambient is 70-high 60s F
  • Humidity - I'm not sure yet, I purchased a digital hygrometer with sensing bulb used for egg arrives in the few days. I just maintain hand misting for now.
  • Plants - Yes, a small ficus tree that comes to about 4" from the top of the enclosure, a pathos and wandering jewelry plant that are suspended from the top of the enclosure and hang at different heights.
  • Placement - the cage is located in my room, on a rolling metal cabinet, surrounded by metal plant shelving. It is up against a window and Cady corner to another window.there is a fan in the center of the room. No air vents, not alot of traffic other than myself. The top of the enclosure is about 4.5'-5' from the floor.
  • Location - Southern California, San diego

Current Problem -not witnessing alot of eating. just looking for help with multi vitamin supplements, help with sexing/age, any input of DOs and DON'T. Thank you!


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I’m sure other members will go over your husbandry with you, but just dropping in to 3 month old chameleon took a little over a week before he started to eat normally. Idk about him but I was literally worried sick lol. But, there’s lots and lots of transition stress going on with them when they arrive in their new home. Be sure to give privacy during the day. I had to limit myself to three checkpoints... morning, afternoon, evening.
I’m sure other members will go over your husbandry with you, but just dropping in to 3 month old chameleon took a little over a week before he started to eat normally. Idk about him but I was literally worried sick lol. But, there’s lots and lots of transition stress going on with them when they arrive in their new home. Be sure to give privacy during the day. I had to limit myself to three checkpoints... morning, afternoon, evening.
Ty! I really appreciate this. I'm looming for any advice or experience I can lmao. And yeah I've been doing my best to give space and not bug him. And I'm sure the paranoid fear will pass with time, but just wanting to make sure I'm not doing anything wrong, or if there is anything else I should be doing. Again much appreciated
Ty! I really appreciate this. I'm looming for any advice or experience I can lmao. And yeah I've been doing my best to give space and not bug him. And I'm sure the paranoid fear will pass with time, but just wanting to make sure I'm not doing anything wrong, or if there is anything else I should be doing. Again much appreciated
10000% understand, I was mining the threads here and YouTube for everything related to new cham not eating......another thing that really helped ease my anxiety was taking him for a wellness visit and fecal test. However, taking to the vet will prolong the stress they’re already experiencing... so if you have a vet who does drop in fecals without needing to see the animal (unless a clear health concern is present), that’s a good thing to do.

Btw, congratulations!
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