New family member (Furry)


New Member
My dog passed away at 17 (3 yrs ago) and my wifes dog at almost 21 Just before xmas last). When my wifes dog passed away we bought a foxy puppy and shes been missing my dog.
Two days ago , our daughters 13th birthday, we bought her a puppy ('Molly')
Shes settling in, so far so good.



That is a pretty darn cute puppy! They are always adorable, but can be a huge handful. Terrier=Terror, lol. Can't wait to see updated pics as it grows. :)
Shes seven weeks old yesterday. Typical puppy, chews everything etc, but this is expected. They are always cute, good for them too because it saves their bacon when they destroy your expensive stuff. LOL
:) Looking forward to a long happy life.
Shes seven weeks old yesterday. Typical puppy, chews everything etc, but this is expected. They are always cute, good for them too because it saves their bacon when they destroy your expensive stuff. LOL
:) Looking forward to a long happy life.

At least you didn't get a mangy cat. Dogs rule!
Im not a cat person, I dont beleive they are suitable pet animals, anywhere, indoors or out, and I think caging an animal like a cat is cruelty,(likewise birds) hence they are unsuitable domestics.
I have nothing against cats, despite the ignorant perceptions of some, they are in their own right, amazing creatures, excellent hunters, very adaptive.
I think domestication and selective breeding of feline sp. was a human mistake, and an insult to the family.
Natural cats, (big cats) are incredibly beautiful creatures that deserve to continue on in their natural habitats for future generations.
Id be happy to see domestic cats dissappear off the earth.
Any cat owners who want to debate the above out of biased thinking, please save it for other cat owners.
I have not come to this conclusion lightly, but over years. When I was younger and working for the SPCA, I destroyed 25-30 unwanted (irresponsibly bred and/or dumped) cats on a daily basis.
The cats didnt deserve it, the owners did!
Note: the irresponsible breeding and treatment of dogs comes in close second! The puppy above was an 'accidental' (read irresponsible) breeding, and our descision to give it a home was the lesser of two evils, one less unwanted dog that will suffer because of its owner. Like all our dogs, she will be desexed and never breed.
I'm a cat person. Cats are intelligent, extreamly smart. The pup's cute. But I've been attacked by too many dogs to ever want to trust them. At least a cat wont rip your throat out.
Jo your puppy is just a darling. I agree, I have 2 registered skipperke females. Both are spade. Yes I could breed and sell puppies but their are too many unwanted animals as it is. I refuse to add to that ever growing number.
my roommates (friend and his girl) and i have 2 cats. one is 3 that his girl rescued as a newborn (Mother abandoned him) and he is probably the most social, laid back, dog-like cat ive ever known. he has a great home and is spoiled rotten. our second cat isnt even a year yet but we found him at a local pet store that i did NOT like at all and would not recomend to anyone. we did not want to leave this kitten in thier care as it was obvious there WERENT caring for him very well if at all. he is now happily spoiled alongside our other cat, dog, four bearded dragons, and my chameleon. my point is...i dont quite agree nor disagree with jo. and when the chance to help out an animal arises i wont hesitate to do what i can. if these independent animals are going to be caged, id rather it be with me and not with someone like a cat horder.

ive dealt with that at my job and it is horrifying to say the least...just thought id share my story lol

Shes seven weeks old yesterday. Typical puppy, chews everything etc, but this is expected. They are always cute, good for them too because it saves their bacon when they destroy your expensive stuff. LOL
:) Looking forward to a long happy life.

Boy, isn't THAT the truth, along with piddling, waking up with crying, muddy paw prints on a newly mopped floor, rolling on dead nasty things and jumping up on your bed, gas....;) CONGRATULATIONS !

My dogs do a better job at varment control then my cat.


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OMG Amy ...Guilty Dog LOL :D Thats so gross! Dont you worry itll get sick? What if it catches one thats eaten bait?
Be tragic for anything to happen to your pet. Looks like a sweet dog. :)
What? She is acting innocent in that photo...:rolleyes: Actually I have had to call the Poison Center when another of my dogs' ate a rat that had ingested poison. The poisons that they use today, do not affect dogs like they use too. Yes, I have to worm my dogs yearly because they are constantly hunting and finding 'treats'. :rolleyes: If I catch them in time, I have to trade them for it (I will trade you a healthy yummy hot dog for that mouse you got :rolleyes:)
LOL, Its not hard to understand why people treat their animals like people when you get a dog like that, its hilarious. The look on her!
I suspect she was very pleased to present you with this intresting catch.
Is it some kind of spaniel? The ears remind me of a spaniel.
That picture is nasty, lol. Looks like a doxie to me. My dogs chase squirrels, but thank goodness they never catch them. Gag!
LOL Twit might be a bit harsh Poor girl, Only a small brain in that little domed head ya know! :D
Half is labeled 'chase stuff' the other half is labeled 'present to mistress' .

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