New Chameleon

Mrs Deku

New Member
I brought home a male Chameleon last night. He was of course nervous at first but I made sure everything was how it should be. This morning I woke up to my cat outside his cage, sitting on top of it. There is no opening there, but I'm sure was still scary for him. Can someone please look at my picture and tell me if he's comfortable here? I'm a new Chameleon owner but did my research. I know all Chameleons are all different but please help me.
I don't see a pic, but let me ask you this. If a lion was sitting on your door step, would you be comfortable, or stressed?
Keep the cat away from the cage! This is very very stressful for your cham even if the cat just sits and stares. The cat is a huge threatening presence for your cham.
Not only will your chameleon feel threatened, your cat may get into the cage somehow or knock it over. I have seen far too many chameleons killed or injured on here by cats! Please put your chameleon in a room somewhere that your cat does not have access to.
He eats and everything with her beside his cage. My cat is a very well trained, young cat so she wouldn't do anything to him. She likes to watch him and the bugs I give him. My profile picture is him shortly after she was on his cage.
My parents said that since he is straight from a petco, he is use to strange things being outside his cage and that if she was inside it it would be a completely different story. They said its fine for her to watch beside it, but keep her from getting on top of it. Thank you all for your comments though
I'm sorry but I must disagree with your parents here. I have lived with chams for over 20 years and let me assure you, allowing a cat to sit staring at a chameleon is going to cause him a lot of stress. Consider that your cham does not understand that the cat can't actually reach him inside the cage. All he sees is a very large animal with huge eyes is watching his every move. And, he also knows that he can't get away from it because he is caged. Chams rely on their ability to hide. If they feel exposed to view they feel vulnerable. You say your cat is very well behaved. Cats are predators. Given half a chance your cat would probably try to catch your cham. Its instinctive. Your cat watches your cham because its natural for it to stare at a potential prey. Just the way it is. I have lost a couple of small pets to cats that were supposedly "well behaved". Its not worth the risk. If you cham isn't sick now it may well become sick over time due to constant stress. We just don't want to see you come to the forum with the post starting "Help, my chameleon has stopped eating and seems sick."
I'm sorry but I must disagree with your parents here. I have lived with chams for over 20 years and let me assure you, allowing a cat to sit staring at a chameleon is going to cause him a lot of stress. Consider that your cham does not understand that the cat can't actually reach him inside the cage. All he sees is a very large animal with huge eyes is watching his every move. And, he also knows that he can't get away from it because he is caged. Chams rely on their ability to hide. If they feel exposed to view they feel vulnerable. You say your cat is very well behaved. Cats are predators. Given half a chance your cat would probably try to catch your cham. Its instinctive. Your cat watches your cham because its natural for it to stare at a potential prey. Just the way it is.

I see, thank you for that. I'll keep her far away from it. :)
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