New addition - LOKI -

Change of clothes


Before/After spotting the camera

After his shed from last week his greens are darker, and I noticed that his reds by his throat had turned into more of a marron color. :)

Cant believe how big he's gotten since I got him on May 28th. He is so much better with handling, now he lets me get him out of the cage, I think he understand that he is going to free roam inside my lanai or go outside and take the sun.

He has developed some amazing coloring.

Anyways, just wanted to update since Im using this thread to keep a log of his growth :)




Not sure but is the plant with the long narrow leaves he was on in the first pics a Oleander? If so its EXTREMELY poisonous and a few leaves would kill an adult human.
Those are some great pictures! He is a really good looking chameleon, thanks for sharing!
Haven't updated in a while, but Loki is one handsome Cham, I've had him for almost a year now.

For the first time his colors fully flared up, he saw my wife had our Bearded dragon in her shirt when she was going to feed Loki, I did not know he had so much yellow on him, honestly I thought when ever he did flare up it was going to be a fully red Cham, boy was I wrong.

Anyway enjoy ...



Gorgeous! I love the white marks. He looks a lot like mine. I didn't know what mine's fired up colors were until this recent eye thing. And now making him mad every day I see a LOT of his red and yellow "I'm ticked" colors.
wow! Very nice! I have a small one with similar colors to yours when little. If mine turns out like yours, I will be pleased. Beautiful boy you have!
Haven't updated in a while, but Loki is one handsome Cham, I've had him for almost a year now.

For the first time his colors fully flared up, he saw my wife had our Bearded dragon in her shirt when she was going to feed Loki, I did not know he had so much yellow on him, honestly I thought when ever he did flare up it was going to be a fully red Cham, boy was I wrong.

Anyway enjoy ...



Hey fonsi! Loki was the cutest as a baby, now beautiful as adult! :O Can I know what you do to keep him healthy like that? I'm planning on getting a 3 month old Ambanja and planning on posting pictures of him like you do! So I wanna make sure he is healthy so he can look as amazing as your's!
Hey fonsi! Loki was the cutest as a baby, now beautiful as adult! :O Can I know what you do to keep him healthy like that? I'm planning on getting a 3 month old Ambanja and planning on posting pictures of him like you do! So I wanna make sure he is healthy so he can look as amazing as your's!

Pretty much what a lot of people say in here, I follow his care sheet as good as possible, I have a free range area in my screened lanai (I live in FL) that he can move around a little bit, and gets direct sunlight in the morning and in the afternoon, so he bask in a lot of natural sunlight, I think that has been key for him to look so healthy, that Natural sunlight does wonders for them.

I feed him his vitamins and calcium as recommended, and I offer him a god mixed diet, staple food is cricket, and the occasional superworm as a treat, I gut load my crickets and superworms, with veggies and for the crickets also I get cricket crack ... I give him also hornworms, silkworms, and butterworms.

His cage has no live plants, I removed them after my female veiled cham past away last year, because I went out of the US for almost a month and she got a parasite that I guess its easy to get from the dirt in live plants I honestly forgot the name, so I remove his live plants and now he has all artificial, which makes it SOOOO much easier to clean, and get the cage inside the house when I need to put him inside.

He spends most of his time outside in his free range area and he loves it, hes gotten very friendly now he doesn't hiss or anything, he went back to his cage yesterday after being outside for a whole week.... I also leave him alone a lot, I don't try to handle him a lot, I hand feed him all the worms, but the crickets he gets from a cup when hes outside, in his cage he has to hunt them down, I only handle him when I place him inside the cage and when he going out, this weekend hes going out again for a couple of days. And of course I keep him hydrated by misting him at least once or twice a day, I dont have a misting system so I do it with a manual mister.

that's pretty much what I do and he seems happy and healthy.

Hope this helps.
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