Need a Name!


New Member
I need a name for a very VAIN 5 month old Ambilobe male. He spends ALL his time basking under the lamp or in the sun when I take his cage outdoors. It's all about his tan and good looks.
"Tanner" won't work-I know too many kids with that name!
George Hamilton? :D

lol..saw one today that might work too...

according to the encyclopedia mythica:

Adonis: Once the child was born Aphrodite was so moved by his beauty that she sheltered him and entrusted him to Persephone [who] was also taken by his beauty [she] refused to give him back.....
Amanti del sole means sun loving in Italian, you can abbreviate from there like sun means sole and the rest is loving, you can name him sole or amanti or del-sole also Tramonto means sunset you can make it like tramanto or something similar if you don't like how it sounds, Apollo is god of the sun (i think), or Helios, Ra is the Egyptian sun god
Fonzy , The fonz from happy days was alllll about looks and bein "cool" I'd call him Fonzy for sure hahaha:p
Its a colorful word isn't it, by exotic i mean somewhere between willy wonkas little helpers and a Martian with a huge 10 inch poof
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