My rainbow Jackon's chameleon loves cucumber


New Member
My rainbow Jackson's is a picky eater, and I almost never see him actually eating anything, be it small crickets, dubia roaches or superworms (but they do eventually disappear, so I guess he's eating them at his own pace). A while ago I started leaving little chunks of Persian cucumber (skin and all) and much to my surprise, the next morning it's all gone. He doesn't seem interested in other fruit or vegetable, but seems to have a soft spot for cukes. Anyone have similar experience?

I bought this little guy about 6 months ago. It was sold supposedly as a "juvenile", but altho he's healthy, he hasn't grown noticeably and hasn't shed once, which is strange, since my veiled chameleon, which is now about 14 months old sheds regularly. Any ideas what's going on?


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He’s adorable 😍 Have you seen him eat this? Could it be the evasive crickets? And they shed more when they are growing and as you said he hasn’t grown much. I would check to make sure your UV is on point, your chameleon doesn’t have a large parasite load or eating problems or tongue/vision issues, and you are using the correct supplements and supplement schedule as well.
I've been feeding "Diablo" 1/8" crickets, so I very much doubt that they're making off with the cucumbers, and I see no remnants anywhere in the enclosure. So I DO think he's the one eating. Frankly, I've not been terribly diligent with supplementation, altho I think my UVB/Daylight/basking light setup is correct. He looks healthy, is not lethargic, but does seem to go to sleep quite early, well before the lights go out. How do I check for parasite load?
I've been feeding "Diablo" 1/8" crickets, so I very much doubt that they're making off with the cucumbers, and I see no remnants anywhere in the enclosure. So I DO think he's the one eating. Frankly, I've not been terribly diligent with supplementation, altho I think my UVB/Daylight/basking light setup is correct. He looks healthy, is not lethargic, but does seem to go to sleep quite early, well before the lights go out. How do I check for parasite load?
You would have to get that done a couple of times at a vet! I say a couple because one fecal sample can be misleading and give you a false negative, a lot of people suggest doing a few to completely rule out parasites.
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