My new Jackson


New Member
Very nice male! Has he shed since being in your care?

I see you have a schefflera there. How do you keep it from withering? Mine don't seem to die but the branches seem to bow out the longer I have them indoors.
We went back and forth between Alan and Jackz has one on the name. :D

He hasn't shed yet we've only had him a few days now but love to watch him lurk around the cage. We've had the cage setup for over a month and haven't had too many problems with the live plants in there but not sure how they'll keep for us through the winter months etc. I do notice Jackz likes to stay up higher in the cage.
IMO looking at those two pictures he doesn't look well at all. Possibly it is due to the pictures. Can you post better pictures? Also it my be a good idea to fill out the "how to ask for help" form.

What doesn't look well about him? This is my first chameleon so information is good. He has been eating, drinking and pooping well. and where is the "how to ask for help" form??
He looks very thin to me, and his eyes look kinda squinty... Do you have more pictures to post of him? Congrats on the new guy!
He looks skinny, his eyes look like they're closed and his gut looks sucked in. It may be the pictures. If you could post some better ones it would help. Copy and paste the form below into your post and answer the questions as be you can.

Here is some recommended information to include when asking for help in the health clinic forum. By providing this information, you will receive more accurate and beneficial responses. It might not be necessary to answer all these questions, but the more you provide the better. Please remember that even the most knowledgeable person can only guess at what your problem may be. Only an experienced reptile veterinarian who can directly examine your animal can give a true diagnosis of your chameleon's health.

Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - The species, sex, and age of your chameleon. How long has it been in your care?
Handling - How often do you handle your chameleon?
Feeding - What are you feeding your cham? What amount? What is the schedule? How are you gut-loading your feeders?
Supplements - What brand and type of calcium and vitamin products are you dusting your feeders with and what is the schedule?
Watering - What kind of watering technique do you use? How often and how long to you mist? Do you see your chameleon drinking?
Fecal Description - Briefly note colors and consistency from recent droppings. Has this chameleon ever been tested for parasites?
History - Any previous information about your cham that might be useful to others when trying to help you.

Cage Info:
Cage Type - Describe your cage (Glass, Screen, Combo?) What are the dimensions?
Lighting - What brand, model, and types of lighting are you using? What is your daily lighting schedule?
Temperature - What temp range have you created (cage floor to basking spot)? Lowest overnight temp? How do you measure these temps?
Humidity - What are your humidity levels? How are you creating and maintaining these levels? What do you use to measure humidity?
Plants - Are you using live plants? If so, what kind?
Placement - Where is your cage located? Is it near any fans, air vents, or high traffic areas? At what height is the top of the cage relative to your room floor?
Location - Where are you geographically located?

Current Problem - The current problem you are concerned about.

Pictures are helpful
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - The species, sex, and age of your chameleon. How long has it been in your care? Jackson, Male, adult is all that I know. I have had him almost a week. We seen him at a pet store in Parkersburg, WV in a small little cage with a veiled and felt a little sorry for him so brought him home.
Handling - How often do you handle your chameleon? We really haven’t handled him much since getting him, trying to let him acclimate to his new enviroment
Feeding - What are you feeding your cham? What amount? What is the schedule? How are you gut-loading your feeders? We mainly have been putting 2 to 3 cricketts a day in the cage and also have feed him some superworms
Supplements - What brand and type of calcium and vitamin products are you dusting your feeders with and what is the schedule? We use Reptical to dust our cricketts, though he hasn’t gotten any dusted ones yet, we also have a Leopard Gecko and our routine is to dust them once a week.
Watering - What kind of watering technique do you use? How often and how long to you mist? Do you see your chameleon drinking? We mist the cage at least twice daily and yes we have watched him lick some of the branchs and drink from the plant leaves
Fecal Description - Briefly note colors and consistency from recent droppings. Has this chameleon ever been tested for parasites? They are a brownish and white color, We haven’t had him tested for parasites
History - Any previous information about your cham that might be useful to others when trying to help you.

Cage Info:
Cage Type - Describe your cage (Glass, Screen, Combo?) What are the dimensions? We have retrofit an old oak wooden display case. It is 4ft tall and about 18 inches wide. The back is wooden while we have changed out the glass for screen.
Lighting - What brand, model, and types of lighting are you using? What is your daily lighting schedule? We have a Reptisun 5.0 and a 100 Watt basking light.
Temperature - What temp range have you created (cage floor to basking spot)? Lowest overnight temp? How do you measure these temps? I am sorry to say I haven’t gotten the temp and humidity levels checked yet
Humidity - What are your humidity levels? How are you creating and maintaining these levels? What do you use to measure humidity?
Plants - Are you using live plants? If so, what kind? schefflera plant, Spider Plant, and a Wandering Jew We do have branches and a fake one also for him to climb around on
Placement - Where is your cage located? Is it near any fans, air vents, or high traffic areas? At what height is the top of the cage relative to your room floor? In the basement room, there is a fan on top of it but no air vents and very little traffic (It is a man cave) LOL no kids allowed. It is about 4.5 ft off the floor.
Location - Where are you geographically located? Southeast Ohio

Current Problem - The current problem you are concerned about. Just wanting to do the best possible to keep him happy and healthy.

I do notice that he darkens up alot when we are near him, getting black markings. I am assuming he is irritated with us so we do try and not bother him too much at this time.

Idk if these pics are any better



If I may make a few comments ;)
Your cage is attractive, but not practicle for a montane species cham.

That wood is going to warp and rot over time because these animals need TONS of water, high RH and misting to simulate their natural habitate and keep them hydrated.

Also, I do not see your UVB and basking light's!

You need to have a 5% UVB about 8 to 10'' from him and a 25 to 50w incandescent bulb for basking in the upper 70's to low 80's (use a digital therometer).

Your cham does not appear to be in good health. He looks underfed and dehydrated.

Please do a forum search for "jackson's care sheet".
There are a few good ones to get you and your pet on your way :)
I agree with what was said above. You should also be using a dripper for 45 min or more. Also it looks like you have soil in the bottom, this won't work very well with the amount of water you should be supplying.
We did think about the rot of the wood so we treated it with a rubberizing spray to help with that. I realize we will have to develop a better cage for him eventually but this is what we had started with.

Lighting is put in, it just wasn't when I took the pictures. The UVB light is in the top with a black mesh preventing burns and we have a basking light clamped to the outside to shine on the left portion of the cage.

As far as the dehydration and underfeed we will do more research and try to add more things to his diet. Thanks for the comments.
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