My First Panther Chameleon


New Member
Just picked this guy up yesterday and couldn't be more excited. Let me know what you think. Also, he doesn't have a name yet.. any suggestions??

It is the chameleon Iron Man. Name him Stark. Curious how much yellow will come out, upon seeing a lady. Nice find.
Thanks all! I really like the name Stark too! I picked him up from a local breeder here in Salt Lake City.
Wow. Nice. You are setting the bar pretty high if this is your first chameleon. You need to get a female now. You must pass down his genetics. Good find!!!
When you do try and mate him, email me a photo of that yellow. I would really like to see a comparision shot between normal and 'happy'. Sure it is a sight to see. Me like.
yeah i definitely will, this was just a quick shot with my iPhone. I'll get some awesome photos of him with my SLR and macro lens.
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