My Chams dining together (video)


New Member
I took some videos last night and just thought Id share.

Two mellers:

Our Panther:

I did take some video footage of my new mistking, but Im yet to copy it to the PC and upload.
nice horns? how long have you had them?

Yes, i've noticed other peoples horns on mellers, and many have been rubbed off. I've had them about 2.5 months now.
Bought from an un-strustworthy supplier :(

They seem to be showing better colours then the first few weeks when i bought them, and theyre eating/drinking very well now :)
Thats awesome adam! they still appear to be juveniles, are they related? its great you get to see them grow up.
Thats awesome adam! they still appear to be juveniles, are they related? its great you get to see them grow up.

If im perfectly honest, the supplier was unsure of their ages.
He initially told me had bred the pair together, told me alot of great things about the pair, so naturally I jumped at the chance.
I have not seen them in their stripy black juvenile stages, so its hard for me to say. The larger cham weighs in at 200g.

Within a week of owning them, it became apparent that they were more likely wild caught. He then went onto admit that they had came from germany which really annoyed me (i wouldn’t have wanted to import these on a long journey).

That aside, I can only do my best with them, and provide them with the most comfortable habitat.

Im unsure if they have been paired by the supplier or from birth, but they have both accepted each other, sleep together and not show any signs of stress around each other (as the first video shows).

Im assured they’re male and female, but this is hard to prove.
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