My chameleon fell !!! Help!!

Just look her over and make sure she is acting normal and nothing looks broken or bruised. Usually they can handle falls pretty well. In the wild they sleep at the very edge of teeny tiny branches so if a predator comes along they can jump off and land on the ground.
Chameleons in the wild use a "suicide drop" to avoid being eaten - It's quite scary if you've never seen it - there are other reason also that can cause them to fall - click on Resources and check the caresheet for your chameleon (if you got a care sheet from the pet store throw it away and make a copy of it for reference instead)
You didn't say what kind of chameleon you have I am assuming she's pretty young ? If she's not a Jackson or a live bearing species there is information on laying bins - and when you need to have one.
Most likely something startled her and she did the drop- and it's nothing to worry about - or picked a bad branch- It's always a good idea to check the care sheet though -
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