Multiple feeding during the day question


Avid Member
My little Sherman has graduated from 1/4" feeder crickets to 1/2" feeder crickets. I am "powdering" them daily a widely accepted regime of calcium w/out D3 as well as with D3 and a multivitamin. (Can't wait for the Repashy Calcium Plus to arrive to simplify this!)

I feed him 10-15 powdered crickets first thing in the morning. By noon- 1pm they are gone. (little piggy :love:). I feed him more.

Should the second batch of feeders also be "powdered" or should he get them "Plain"?o_O

There seems to be a lot of factors involved in this (his size, age, size of food, actual UVB and real sun he gets etc.) I just don't want to over supplement him.

Thanks for your opinions.
I would say in general that if the feeders are lightly dusted that all can be dusted. If he eats the first batch very quickly you could say he has enough supplements, but too many variables here. Gutloading, supplements, etc are not an exact science. Any real sunlight? Any specific gutloads? Dusting each feeding is just a guide, not a perfect recipe.
Do the insects you use in the second feeding suddenly have a better ratio of calcium to phosphorous?

I like the sarcasm I read in this and if I'm correct, I get your point. Thanks for the laugh and a good logical answer. :D

I would say in general that if the feeders are lightly dusted that all can be dusted. If he eats the first batch very quickly you could say he has enough supplements, but too many variables here. Gutloading, supplements, etc are not an exact science. Any real sunlight? Any specific gutloads? Dusting each feeding is just a guide, not a perfect recipe.
Yeah I see your point. It's the variables that had me ask the question.

I'm leaning on dusting everything he gets. I guess its impossible to know for sure how much is too much or too little, but if I was only feeding him once a day, and I plan on it once I narrow down how many he generally eats of the new larger feeders, then it will make no difference if I give him 26 crickets at once or break it up into two groups of 23.
Wasn't meant to be sarcastic really...just to make you think. That's what you need to do a lot with chameleons...IMHO.
If I hadn't done that I might never have hatched eggs (back in the good old days when nobody else in Canada was) because everyone thought they should be incubated like snake eggs.
Wasn't meant to be sarcastic really...just to make you think. That's what you need to do a lot with chameleons...IMHO.
If I hadn't done that I might never have hatched eggs (back in the good old days when nobody else in Canada was) because everyone thought they should be incubated like snake eggs.

Sarcastic or not, it DID make me think. ;) Thanks.
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