Mold in enclosure harmful?


New Member
Hey I just recently got a dripper for my chameleon and it drips down on this branch and it molded pretty fast dose anybody have anyways to prevent mold (sticks or branch’s to use ) answers if this is harmful bc it also used to get mold on the bottom branch’s before I had a tiny fan to dry the bottom of the enclosure as well but I’m making him a new enclosure soon and don’t want to deal with any moldiny on the branch's from getting wet I attached some pictures


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What kind of cham do you have ?If it a veiled you really don't need a humidifier. Now panthers are another story. But with veiled you want a day humidity around 30 to 50 % max. Night time humidity around d 70 to 100%. It is important to get that humidity up at night but you can achieve this usually by adding enough real plant. You can use humidifier if you must but you have to watch it with veilds since they can easily get respiratory infections. Also you shouldn't use humidifier unless enclosure temps are 65 or lower.
What kind of cham do you have ?If it a veiled you really don't need a humidifier. Now panthers are another story. But with veiled you want a day humidity around 30 to 50 % max. Night time humidity around d 70 to 100%. It is important to get that humidity up at night but you can achieve this usually by adding enough real plant. You can use humidifier if you must but you have to watch it with veilds since they can easily get respiratory infections. Also you shouldn't use humidifier unless enclosure temps are 65 or lower.
I have a female nosy misto chameleon and the humidity is just right for her it stays around 50% and misted before bed to bring humity up threw out the night and also we don’t get proper humidity in the screen cage without there humidifier I’m not worried about her humidity levels at all or drinking or nothing just about the mold on the sticks from the dripper
I have a female nosy misto chameleon and the humidity is just right for her it stays around 50% and misted before bed to bring humity up threw out the night and also we don’t get proper humidity in the screen cage without there humidifier I’m not worried about her humidity levels at all or drinking or nothing just about the mold on the sticks from the dripper
She in the back left of one of the photos try to spot her lol
Don't use the dripper as much so has time to dry. I would remove the branch with mold. To help with your humidity I would just put light screens on 3 sides or the kits for window. Should only need dripper for little bit a day. I don't use one I just mist once mid day. If it's just black and not fuzzy prob just water stain
I have a female nosy misto chameleon and the humidity is just right for her it stays around 50% and misted before bed to bring humity up threw out the night and also we don’t get proper humidity in the screen cage without there humidifier I’m not worried about her humidity levels at all or drinking or nothing just about the mold on the sticks from the dripper
Right. I understand what your saying. I just thought it might be a But anyways you could try some different wood branches that are fit resistant. I thinking with rot resistant wood it might resist mold a bit better as well. Check these out. If you have any of these in your area. Pick a few up and give em a try.cedar, redwood, old-growth cypress, mulberry, yew, osage orange, and black locust. Tropical wood examples include ipe, lignumvitae, purpleheart, and old-growth teak.
Don't use the dripper as much so has time to dry. I would remove the branch with mold. To help with your humidity I would just put light screens on 3 sides or the kits for window. Should only need dripper for little bit a day. I don't use one I just mist once mid day. If it's just black and not fuzzy prob just water stain
It would get fuzzy in the bottom of the cage at first but do you think if I whip it it will be good for about a month
Don't use the dripper as much so has time to dry. I would remove the branch with mold. To help with your humidity I would just put light screens on 3 sides or the kits for window. Should only need dripper for little bit a day. I don't use one I just mist once mid day. If it's just black and not fuzzy prob just water stain
Yuh see I didn’t have a dripper at first and would mist about 3 times a day bc she would always seem thirsty and run to the water also when I felt the water would dry to fast at the top and she would go to where the fogged was and try and get water from that so we thought we would mist less and get the dripper so she know where she can get nice clean water every time instead of the humity water
Yuh see I didn’t have a dripper at first and would mist about 3 times a day bc she would always seem thirsty and run to the water also when I felt the water would dry to fast at the top and she would go to where the fogged was and try and get water from that so we thought we would mist less and get the dripper so she know where she can get nice clean water every time instead of the humity water
She is weirdly water attracted she spends time walking around and under were the water drips a lot lol
Mine all learn mist times but my new one. If you mist mid day don't need dripper. I have one cage not bioactive and I wipe it out about every 5 days. And I mist another for long periods of time and let dry in between no mold yet. By another I mean some of my cages get 45 mins a day but I have parson and they love water
Mold spores are literally everywhere—inside & outside of our enclosures.
To prohibit growth, things have to dry out completely.
Live plants are more resistant than artificial, and some artificial plants may hold moisture like a sponge (as will that rope/twine I see in the pics) and promote growth. Thick crumbling bark may also provide a medium for growth.

I would remove anything that can hold moisture, and be sure the enclosure dries out completely between mistings. IDK about the dripper (never used one) but things need to dry out completely under that as well.
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