MistKing water usage


New Member
Hi folks.

As you may already be aware I started a thread recently on the MistKing system. I have now placed my order and I am doing some preparation for it.

For those of you that already use a MistKing system I would appreciate some info from you based on your circumstances.... I am trying to estimate/identify what I need to buy for my needs. I will be misting 2 cages with a single nozzle in each. I would prefer not to have to fill/drain everyday. Ideally I would like to do this every 2/3 days in the rare event that I am not at home for a night or two.

  • What is your misting cycle?
  • How much water per day per cage?
  • What size is your reservoir?
  • How long does the reservoir last for?

Any help is much appreciated here. Thanks a lot in advance :)
Im running 1 cage and 1 nozzle. I have longer misting schedules to aid in drinking rather then short bursts that aid more in humidity (my guy is also a pain to get drinking).

Right now I'm running the standard bucket for a reservoir, with 3 20 minute intervals and i need to refill about every 3 days
What is your misting cycle? 3 cages, 4x/day 2 minutes each.
How much water per day per cage? roughly 1 gallon a week
What size is your reservoir? 5 gallons but only use 3 gallons
How long does the reservoir last for? 3 weeks

With your set up (2/3 days) then I would go with 1 gallon reservoir as an minimum. Also use filtered water for smooth spraying and less clog up on the nozzles.
What is your misting cycle? 3 cages, 4x/day 2 minutes each.
How much water per day per cage? roughly 1 gallon a week
What size is your reservoir? 5 gallons but only use 3 gallons
How long does the reservoir last for? 3 weeks

With your set up (2/3 days) then I would go with 1 gallon reservoir as an minimum. Also use filtered water for smooth spraying and less clog up on the nozzles.

Thanks. How do you manage to get so much filtered water?
I use a 5 gallon bucket the water really dosent need to be filtered. I mist 5 times a day and top the bucket off each week.
Thanks. How do you manage to get so much filtered water?

We have water filtration system in our home since we use City water that include sand, clay, chlorine....etc. Also, here in US you can find filtered stations in every street corner now days.
I used distilled water with 3 nozzles for one cage. 1 minute spray time x 6 times a day. I use a 5 gallon reservoir and a 3 gallon waste water reservoir. My guy is an easy drinker and my Scheffleras cannot stand long watering periods.
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