Mist king


New Member
Just wondering if your alls mistking shakes and struggles to build pressure before actually getting up to a full mist. once going its quiet and smooth. Its just getting it going that seems the hoses rattle as its "warming up" thanks.

My veiled's love the new set ups as im sure my Panthers do as well. Although my female is still in the 18x18x36. she will be in a XL next month. Also exciting news I have a down payment for a beautiful young panther female. Sooo.. Looks like I have another cabinet and cage to buy. This hobby will drain me! enjoy some pics!



Oh and here is a more update pic of my set up. the cages are still getting more plants but this is what i ended with this weekend.

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Beautiful cham and enclosures :)

My mistking starts up and makes a rattle and then calms down after a few seconds, I assume that's normal.
Beautiful cham and enclosures :)

My mistking starts up and makes a rattle and then calms down after a few seconds, I assume that's normal.

Thanks. Yea I thought so just seems a bit more now that i have two more nozzles hooked up. I didnt notice it as much with just two.

You need to anchor the tubing to stop them vibrating.

Yea I did that on the places that rattled but the the lines make the cages rattle pretty bad the first seconds. Thats what I was more worried about. but if it sounds normal I guess I have no issues. Thank you!
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