Meet Fella!

I wont talk anymore about this, i will leave it to other guys, ive been trying to help. You cannot just make 1 screen cage half it size to get 2 chams in there for being cheap. It will get to narrow.

That was my last advice.
God bless your chams.

Actually, if the height is done correctly, you could. But, I made him his own home, I just need more screening. They are quite content being together.


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I kept Ben and Betty together when I first got Betty as her home she came in was inadequate. Both were females but I orig though Ben was a male. He was MUCH smaller than her and avoided her.. but she was constantly puffed up and eventually Betty died. I still dont know if it was egg bound, MBD, or could have been stress. She was in her own home for the 3 of the 4 weeks I had her but maybe that one week was too much and that was all it took...People on here have been keeping them for a long time and if they tell you NOT to keep em together, Id go with that.. Would hate for your male to take a chunk out of the female...:(
You know what, I am going to openly apologize. I had my patooty handed to me after I made this comment.. I lost a cham as did you and mistakes were made. People have a hard time on here letting it be forgotten. I can tell you are very into your chams and want the best for them or you wouldnt subject yourself to this ridicule. If you come here for advice, you must be willing to take it though. The people here (most of them) are passionate about these beautiful creatures and do not want any of them to suffer. So just be the best cham owner you can be and everything will be alright..And Im Sorry.

It's all good and thanks for saying that. I wasn't happy that I lost Grabby, but I have Tweety and Fella and I've done everything correct with them, especially with them being young. They've got their two types of calcium, a couple of food options, their lights are right, and all that good stuff. It's seriously annoying with I'm thought of as not listening to anything just because my two month olds live together! If it was an issue, they wouldn't be living together.
I kept Ben and Betty together when I first got Betty as her home she came in was inadequate. Both were females but I orig though Ben was a male. He was MUCH smaller than her and avoided her.. but she was constantly puffed up and eventually Betty died. I still dont know if it was egg bound, MBD, or could have been stress. She was in her own home for the 3 of the 4 weeks I had her but maybe that one week was too much and that was all it took...People on here have been keeping them for a long time and if they tell you NOT to keep em together, Id go with that.. Would hate for your male to take a chunk out of the female...:(

When you said chunk out of my female, I smiled! He's definitely bigger than her, but he's scared of her!!! She could care less about him, but yeah, him take a chunk out of her...ha ha!!!! He's infatuated with her, but she's like ugh, dude, I'm on my leaf trying to get ready for bed and you are shaking my branch, could you stop now. That may or may not help my case, but again they are young and they aren't fighting. Fella just has to have the last worm when Tweety decides she actually wants it though. We must work on his sharing. He refuses to do it. And, she actually shares with him.
Seems like everyone wants to lecture me because I am not as experienced as others. Tweety and Fella's home has a screened in top, two lights, a basking light, plenty of plants and places for them to hide. As for food, I buy food in bulk. If they aren't anything else, they are well fed. As for Fella's idea of sharing, well, we're working on that. :)

It SEEMS like you take everything everyone says personally like we are attacking you. You say I am not as experienced as others...The facts are clear here and the ideas espoused in these threads are more than enough information to suffice proper care. To say To most, on impulse it isn't good, but that's the type of person I am. thats down right exuberant what an excuse.

When you said chunk out of my female, I smiled! He's definitely bigger than her, but he's scared of her!!! She could care less about him, but yeah, him take a chunk out of her...ha ha!!!! He's infatuated with her, but she's like ugh, dude, I'm on my leaf trying to get ready for bed and you are shaking my branch, could you stop now. That may or may not help my case, but again they are young and they aren't fighting. Fella just has to have the last worm when Tweety decides she actually wants it though. We must work on his sharing. He refuses to do it. And, she actually shares with him.

Wow-perfect case for separating them now. Chameleons do not share. They are either dominant or submissive. There is no "working" on sharing. If he is infatuated, he is harrassing her and stressing her out.
Chameleons don't SHARE, the more dominant one will take it's food first. The more submissive can only watch and wait (AND PROBABLY STRESS).

Try to think of how they are in the wild. They are solitary animals.

These beautiful little creatures have an incredibly FRAGILE psychy (sp?).

Please stop humanizing them and treat them in the way they need and deserve.
I take a lot of things personally. My kids are my kids and they are FINE!!!! I've read about the stressing colors, I've seen them stress, I've seen them happy, and Fella is a pig. He's not more dominant. He wanted the last one, and followed the lid to where I had it. Everyone is saying don't humanize animals, well guess what, they all have their own little personalities just like humans. I appreciate the advice when I ask for something and if I feel that something is wrong. My babies are fine whether anyone cares to believe that or not. This thread was to introduce Fella to you all, not become another place for me to be criticized. If I knew or felt anything was wrong with my babies, not just my reptiles, I would do something about it. All I want is for you all to chill.
Until you have kept numerous chameleons over many years, you do not know what stress looks like or what it can do and the amount of time it takes to do damage. I said it before and I will say it again-they are OK for the short term, but you will need to separate them as soon as possible to minimize stress that can potentially lead to the loss of one or both animals lives. You do not yet have the experience to "feel that something is wrong".
Until you have kept numerous chameleons over many years, you do not know what stress looks like or what it can do and the amount of time it takes to do damage. I said it before and I will say it again-they are OK for the short term, but you will need to separate them as soon as possible to minimize stress that can potentially lead to the loss of one or both animals lives. You do not yet have the experience to "feel that something is wrong".

Thank you Julirs.
Until you have kept numerous chameleons over many years, you do not know what stress looks like or what it can do and the amount of time it takes to do damage. I said it before and I will say it again-they are OK for the short term, but you will need to separate them as soon as possible to minimize stress that can potentially lead to the loss of one or both animals lives. You do not yet have the experience to "feel that something is wrong".

I agree with you on the short term...once I get a bit more screen he'll have his own home.
Tweety and Fella's home has a screened in top, two lights, a basking light, plenty of plants and places for them to hide. As for food, I buy food in bulk

So assuming you bought the correct lighting, plants food etc. That well over exceeds a basic cost for a screen cage

I can't afford an $80 cage when I can make one cheaper.

But you can afford plants food lighting etc.....and chameleons

To most, on impulse it isn't good, but that's the type of person I am

That explains why Grabby died then.
Tweety and Fella's home has a screened in top, two lights, a basking light, plenty of plants and places for them to hide. As for food, I buy food in bulk

So assuming you bought the correct lighting, plants food etc. That well over exceeds a basic cost for a screen cage

I can't afford an $80 cage when I can make one cheaper.

But you can afford plants food lighting etc.....and chameleons

To most, on impulse it isn't good, but that's the type of person I am

That explains why Grabby died then.

Yeah, so you don't know me to know my must remember that I recycle. Yes I have the correct lights! The reptisun 5.0...purchased at Petsmart. You're being a smart butt. You don't know me personally to know how I have what I have, but I can't buy a new cage. Ugh. Grabby died because she was sick when I purchased her from Petsmart. I had no clue that she wasn't healthy, nor did I know that the advice I received for her housing was all wrong. When I changed everything it still didn't help her and yes, she passed. Being a butt about her dying and thinking it is ALL my fault is not cute or true. :mad:
Lyann, I just want to let you know that I am glad you are trying to get everything right with your current chameleons. I know sometimes the advice people give on here can seem harsh or rude but to me it is obvious that you care about your chams, or you wouldn't even be on this forum. Just don't worry about the rude things people say to you and focus on the good advice they are giving.
Yeah, so you don't know me to know my finances

Then you dont get animals if you don have any financesLyann.

Chameleons doesnt share.

Your chameleons are NOT fine.

Chameleons are predators and one of your chams will either die of stress or get killed.

A chameleon is not happy, its not sad, its not laughing, its not smiling.

Get another cage ASAP
It's a lost cause. She has her mind set that she is doing everything the right way regardless of what anyone else thinks. I think its great that you guys take the time to respond but I think its falling on deaf ears...
It's a lost cause. She has her mind set that she is doing everything the right way regardless of what anyone else thinks. I think its great that you guys take the time to respond but I think its falling on deaf ears...

I was just about to say that very same thing. It's become very difficult to maintain the integrity of this thread and not take personal stabs at this individual. :mad:

I know that it's probably impossible for the larger breeding companies to personally interview their prospective buyers.... But this is sure one case for it.
I was just about to say that very same thing. It's become very difficult to maintain the integrity of this thread and not take personal stabs at this individual. :mad:

I know that it's probably impossible for the larger breeding companies to personally interview their prospective buyers.... But this is sure one case for it.

I agree.. But she did buy Grabby at Petsmart. Not sure where the other 2 came from as Im not gonna go back and try to find it..but unfortunately, Petsmart could give a rats @$$ about where the Cham goes, just as long as it does..and then things like this happen. I agree, I took a stab and I apologized. I think most of the people on here have VERY valid points but I think she has her mind made up and just feels attacked rather than helped.
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