Looking to buy eggs


Does anyone know of a website or place where I could buy fertile veiled chameleon eggs, because all of my 45 eggs where not fertile:(. And when should I breed them again, she laid May 26th.
Hardly anyone sells eggs, the biggest problem is that they won't Survive being shipped. If you're lucky you might find someone locally but most people breed to hatch the eggs themselves.

For the health of your female I'd give her a nice long rest if I were you the longer the better but atleast 6 months. She can produce eggs earlier but it wouldn't be good for her so soon.
Virtually no one sells eggs. But as Oblgobl said maybe you can find someone locally.

Also as Oblgobl said, I would not breed her for at least 6 months. Her body needs some rest and TLC.

Hardly anyone sells eggs, the biggest problem is that they won't Survive being shipped.

Actually they will survive being shipped if they are still in diapause (they will still show yellow when candled). However, I really doubt that you will be able to find any for sale.
Anywhere near VA, come on by. Will gladly sell you eggs. Shipping has been done successfully before, however most of us aren't willing to put our money in three or four drivers, two handlers, and a pilot's hands. Too much can go wrong.
Junglefries....How much do you normally sell your eggs for? I was wondering about this myself. I was wondering about breeding one day, and if I had a lot of eggs, I always wondered if their was even a market for people willing to take the risk buying eggs.
I have never sold just the eggs. Selling someone a couple eggs locally, i would maybe consider. I am just afraid to interrupt the cycle. It is something i am on the fence about. The learning experience i can appreciate, truly. But then i kind of feel like people should have to do what the rest of us have done, and produce the eggs by getting 'it' right. I have said the following many times on this site: 'there are no shortcuts with chameleons.' In order for me to do it, i would have to read a decent amount of comments from people, both positive and negative. That way, i can feel like i thought of all the angles, so to speak. Truthfully, i am 50/50 on the subject. Please encourage others to post. Help me decide. I have recently seen some trays that would make shipping plausible. Just don't know what to do.
I have never sold just the eggs. Selling someone a couple eggs locally, i would maybe consider. I am just afraid to interrupt the cycle. It is something i am on the fence about. The learning experience i can appreciate, truly. But then i kind of feel like people should have to do what the rest of us have done, and produce the eggs by getting 'it' right. I have said the following many times on this site: 'there are no shortcuts with chameleons.' In order for me to do it, i would have to read a decent amount of comments from people, both positive and negative. That way, i can feel like i thought of all the angles, so to speak. Truthfully, i am 50/50 on the subject. Please encourage others to post. Help me decide. I have recently seen some trays that would make shipping plausible. Just don't know what to do.

Honestly I wouldn't do it. Because if you ship and the eggs die shortly after the customer might be really upset and everything.

Nosy Be eggs

I bought a one year old male Nosy Be, awhile ago. After I received him, I was told he was hatched from an egg imported from Madagascar. Apparently, this person imported a whole tray of Nosy be eggs. It sounded suspicious, to me, but he was already in hand when I was told. Seems a long way to import eggs from. Has anyone done this, or heard of this?
This is my Indigo Viking


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I bought a one year old male Nosy Be, awhile ago. After I received him, I was told he was hatched from an egg imported from Madagascar. Apparently, this person imported a whole tray of Nosy be eggs. It sounded suspicious, to me, but he was already in hand when I was told. Seems a long way to import eggs from. Has anyone done this, or heard of this?
This is my Indigo Viking

What may have happened was a female laid eggs on the trip over. I've never heard of anyone importing eggs. But someone correct me if I'm wrong

I have never sold just the eggs. Selling someone a couple eggs locally, i would maybe consider. I am just afraid to interrupt the cycle. It is something i am on the fence about. The learning experience i can appreciate, truly. But then i kind of feel like people should have to do what the rest of us have done, and produce the eggs by getting 'it' right. I have said the following many times on this site: 'there are no shortcuts with chameleons.' In order for me to do it, i would have to read a decent amount of comments from people, both positive and negative. That way, i can feel like i thought of all the angles, so to speak. Truthfully, i am 50/50 on the subject. Please encourage others to post. Help me decide. I have recently seen some trays that would make shipping plausible. Just don't know what to do.

For me, it would depend greatly on the person who was buying the eggs. I have never sold them, but I have traded with a friend. Baby chameleons are by far the hardest chameleons to keep alive. Therefore, I would be hesitant to give/sell eggs to anybody who is not able to keep the adults flourishing and reproducing.

(WOW) I personally have never sold an egg. Nor am I any expert on doing so, but given the sensitive nature of the babies let alone the eggs. I would say this would be a bad idea, a bad investment for the buyer, and a tragedy for the baby cham. I mean you can't even turn eggs over what would UPS, or USPS do to them.:eek: Then you always have weak ones that don't survive even with proper care how are you to know you aren't buying one of those. And forget about sexing them you can't see them. I definitely wouldn't risk $50.00 on an egg I can't even guarantee will hatch, or survive if it does. No I would wait until they're about 3-4 months old before I would risk it. But hey that's me.:)
The idea has crossed my head in selling eggs for multiple reasons. The shortcut part of it was not one of them at all. I wouldn't be looking to make a quick buck or getting a chameleon on the cheap. I've thought about it for many reasons, reasons like... maybe having too many eggs (reducing the amount of chameleons to care for), trading eggs with another owners who has other chameleon species I would be interested in raising at the same time, giving an egg to someone who is eager to adopt a chameleon before birth, and other things like that. I did see someone one time here on the forums selling eggs. I was half temped in buying a few eggs hoping I would get a male and female. So, basically like you all, I'm very curious on this subject. Good topic!
I'm going to reSurect this forum and see if anyone has bought panther eggs and if they were successful in raising them and the price of the eggs
I would personally not buy eggs unless they were laid that week. Any later then that and they should not be moved or jostled. Purchasing them a month before hatch would be a bad investment unless you can carefully walk them across town in the same container they are already in. Shipping them or driving them in a car is a bad choice.
I agree 100 percent with mike, nor would I sell them as I feel that would make me an irresponsible keeper. We as breeders/keepers have to sometimes see through the money aspect of it and try to do what's best for the animals. Just my humble opinion, and Im not trying to offend anyone.

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