lightest weight mister?


New Member
OK, so this is going to sound like a super odd question, but bear with me!

My mister recently broke (and I'm blaming the cat :p) so I'm in the market for a new one. However, in September, I will be moving across country to San Diego and I'd like to bring my mister with me but pay the minimum amount of shipping. So, what is the most durable, yet lightest weight mister on the market? I know light weight usually doesn't equal quality, so if a better quality mister is a bit heavier, it's not a big deal.

Usually, I would also just have it shipped out to san Diego, no problems, and just hand mist until we are ready to go, but I've been working anywhere from 40 to 50 hours for the past few weeks ... and will continue to do so up until a week before I leave, so a mister is imperative. I've been having roommates helping out as well as using extra drippers, but it doesn't seem to be helping all that much, as my roommates sometimes forget and the drippers tend to run out of water before I get home.

I haven't had any issues, though, with keeping Kukui's humidity up, but I've also been keeping my window open, letting the natural 60-70% humidty we've had the past few days filter through my room, but Kukui's urates have had a bit of yellow tinged throughout them recently.
My suggestion would be to cope without a mister until the move then hit LLL for a mister when you get shipping costs at all.
Will you have some land when you get to San Diego?

I won't have land, persay. I'm moving in with my boyfriend into his condo and he has a rather small, yet fully fenced in patio. He is going to be making the cages. when we lived in Hawaii, he made a bunch of cages for me for our Jacksons and they were awesome cages.

But he will be making the cages, and placing them on the patio, where there are plenty of outlets for plugging in stuff, like a mister. Then, during the cold months, we can easily bring them inside the house, no worries. He also wants to get a panther cham for me, for my birthday next month, so we can have two chams, since he knows how much I LOVE chameleons - heck, I wear my chameleon jewelry 24/7! I told him to hold off until I get out there and we get settled and I can see who is breeding what and what is available and if I'm ready for another cham.
I have a few fancy misters, pump style, motorized, etc. but the one I always grab is just a plain old squeeze trigger mister.
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